Supplemental Results: Hammerli Pneuma Elite 10 Air Rifle
As you may have read from my review of the Pneuma last month, I really have an appreciation for this rifle. You just get so much value and shooting enjoyment for the money invested. The Pneuma did so well in my tests that I recently took the opportunity to push the gun to the max and see if it could hang at a greater distance and hang it did.TKO Brake (left) Hatsan Air Stripper (right)

At the range last week, I stretched her legs a bit, so out to 50 yards the target went. I had high hopes that day, as the 25 yard accuracy testing had been very good
but I didnt expect things would go this well. With Hatsans "Air Stripper" in place at the muzzle I began to sight in the riffle and get a feel for things all over again. Right away I knew this was going to be good, and shortly after the Pneuma and I settled in, it printed this ridiculously tight group. Four of the five shots went into a quarter inch sized hole!... and I pulled the fifth one, making for a half inch group. 
Hammerli Pneuma & JSB Exact 8.44 gr at 50 Yards

I fiddled around with the Air Stripper a bit, adjusting the insert fore and aft. The adjustments had a widening effect on the groups so I set it back to how it was which resulted in repeating the above accuracy. "This sure is a lot of gun for what it cost's," I thought to myself once again. Then I decided that I was going to try TKOs Muzzle Brake (silencer) at 25 yards and see how tight I could keep two full magazines. I have to reiterate that this accessory almost completely mutes the rifle. The only thing that can be heard is the hammer smacking the valve, and I have to say, this is one well engineered add-on. The muzzle-brake changed the point of impact somewhat, but have a look at what transpired with the group! Twenty pellets slipped through the same .28 sized hole. I so was tempted to try for another ten, but I chickened out in the name of preserving this astounding grouping. Wow! 
Twenty Consecutive Shots Through TKOs Muzzle Brake

The Pneuma continues to impress. Paired with the TKO Brake or Hatsans Air Stripper, it makes for one heck of a nice shooting experience. As for the pellet I have dubbed the one, the JSB Exact 8.44 grain is going with me everywhere this rifle does. 
Hatsans Air Stripper (left) TKOs Muzzle Brake (right)

Read the complete review of the Hammerli Pneuma Elite 10 air rifle by Steve Scialli.