Airgun Golf

Backspin Bogey
Caddy Hack
In Caddy Hack, you'll use different airguns to shoot at an exploding Airgun Golf ball with only your off hand. This caddy doesn't deserve a tip at the end of the day!
This game is best if you own multiple airguns. Whoever can hit the golf ball first at a predetermined distance using their off-hand in the least amount of shots, wins. You must use a different airgun for each round, always using your off hand. You can use the same airgun during the game, just not in back to back rounds. The shooter with the lowest number of shots, after a 6 round game, wins.
This is a game of skill and brains! It is just like Chip Shot Sniper but with a twist. Every shooter gets a maximum of 3 total shots each round, with a total of 6 rounds per game. For each miss, you'll receive 2 points added to your score but the point penalty increases to 4 points as soon you/your opponent hits the exploding golf ball for the current round. The 4 point penalty resets after each round.
Each shooter will also receive 2 MulliGUNs each game -- a MulliGUN gives you the opportunity to re-do a shot. Whoever has the least amount of points at the end of the games wins.
Backspin Bogey
Take trick shots to a whole new level! Don't be the first shooter to spell in this back-and-forth challenge.
Can you shoot an Airgun Golf ball holding your air pistol upside down? How about shooting over your shoulder using a mirror? In Backspin Bogey, if the opponent cannot duplicate a successful trick shot, they receive a letter. The first person to receive all five letters of B-O-G-E-Y, loses.
For Example: The second shooter must duplicate the first person's trick shot if it is successful. If the second shooter misses, he/she receives the letter "B". If the first person's shot is missed, the second shooter may attempt any trick shot. If his/her shot is made, the opponent is obligated to duplicate it. Each time a shooter misses a shot that he/she attempted to duplicate, a letter is "awarded."
This game is just like the basketball game "HORSE."