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Crosman PowerShot .177 Cal, 5.4 gr - 100 ct

Only $13.59
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  • Code: LF1754 · $13.59 · .177 · 5.4 grains · 150 ct
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The orange ballistic pellets are great for long distance shooting in the field or for recreation in non-lead environments. As these pellets maintain their shape, they deliver superior penetration and enhanced accuracy.
  • Caliber: .177
  • Ammo Type: Non-Lead Pellet
  • Grain: 5.4
  • Nose: Pointed
  • Orange Ballistic
  • Quantity: 100
  • Use: Long-Range (Target/ Hunting)
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  • ManufacturerCrosman
  • Caliber .177
  • Ammo Type Lead-free pellets
  • Ammo Weight 5.4 grains
  • Pellet Quantity 150 ct
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By MichaelUSAJune 3, 2022

Was interested in penetration of various .177 pellets. So I tried “killing” a hard oak board. They and other longer .177 pellets easily fit the belt feed in SIG SAUER MCX Pellet Flat Dark Earth Air Rifle. The belt is bigger than the Sig pistols I’ve tried. These are the only non-ricochet ones (not lead) of the bunch. No mushrooming or squashing as the other lead units. They penetrated right up to their full length. So if you want a through and through round, this is a great possibility. The plastic shroud dropped of before impact. No sign of debris in barrel. Would probably add a couple of “clean” regular pellets at the end of the belt if any concern.

Won’t fit a Crosman 1077 or similar units as they are too long for magazine. Wish manufacturers would include length of pellets; they list everything else.

By Jack USAMarch 10, 2021

This is a must for lower power pellet rifles. So much fun.

These are pretty game changing. I use them with my diana chaser rifle kit and I'll get consistent 600-610 fps, blows right thru stainless steel sheet and the sabot bounces back gently. Silly accurate. Like laser beam it's unreal.

Just kinda messy with the sabot that's all

By JohnUSANovember 2, 2016

Individual results will vary from one gun to another. My Crosman Vigilante is not a high end target pistol, but these pellets shoot accurately enough in it. I sampled them along with RWS Hypermax alloy pellets, and Crosman Premier Super Match pellets? They were more accurate than the Super Match pellets and less accurate than the RWS pellets.They are almost too long for my Crosman Vigilante cylinder clips. I can hear them dragging as I pull back the hammer to cock the gun, or manually rotate the cylinder. All three of the sampled pellets easily penetrated an aluminum cat food can, but I have my doubts about the Power Shots stopping power.

A very fast, but light pellet.

My target range is littered with red plastic sabots/shoes, and they don't recycle well. Stopping power is compromised for velocity. They are okay as a pellet gun novelty, but the firearm ammunition manufacturers originally patented the concept decades ago.

By MatthewUSAApril 9, 2016

I've never used this pellet in any springer or gas ram rifle, but when it comes to my QB78 there's nothing better.....

Great accuracy in lower powered C02 or Pneumatic air guns....


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Would these fit in a sig 16 shot mag? Would they fit in a diana 10 shot mag?

asked Jack from USA

*9 shot mag, yes they do

Jack from USA

Great to hear your QB 78 likes them. I ordered some for my identical rifle. Also think they may be good for my Beeman 17 and Barra Colt SAA w Rifled Barrel.

asked David from USA

Are these the same thing as the Hyper-Velocity Field Pellets, .177 Cal, 5.4 Grains, Pointed, Lead-Free, 200ct.? Both the pellet itself and the spec look identical.

asked David from USA

will these work in my Crossman M4-177 Pneumatic pump .177 air rifle?

asked david aronis
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