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Crosman RMC-OIL Silicone Oil for Spring Airguns

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Keep your spring air rifle in top shape with this valuable lubricant by Crosman. For use in spring powered air rifles.
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  • ManufacturerCrosman
  • Condition New
  • Accessories Type Maintenance & Cleaning
  • Warranty Warranty: N/A
  • Weight 0.10
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By FoxUSAMay 15, 2020 Verified Purchase

Best on the market and reasonably priced

Small tube, no bigger options

By PaulUSAJuly 20, 2019

Is very crucial to get the proper lubrication for your rifles that being said the Crosman silicone oil does its job well. The issues are the tube leaks no matter what you do to preserve it and I think the price is a little high I have experimented with three in one oil silicone oil it seems to do the same job for less of a price only time will tell though if it malfunctions my rifles. Overall the silicone oil from Crossman does work very well keeps all the mechanical parts moving properly and seals. I'm going to continue to observe and experiment with different lubes I bought three of these tubes one of the packages was completely saturated the whole tube was a loss depleted inside package . And the packaging was in perfect condition untampered with hopefully if this has been an issue Crosman will resolve it. I emailed airgun Depot about the depleted tube they sent me a new one no problem they are awesome there . they actually will take time and help you even with a minor issue.... airgun Depot gets a five-star.

Crosman silicone oil works well does its job like it should.

Container leaks..

By WilliamUSAFebruary 22, 2019

I have 3 Gamo Break barrel rifle’s and not the cheap ones , also other spring action air guns, therefore I am happy to pay the $799 for silicone oil to maintain my guns properly just a couple of drops ever so many shots .

Helps my gun?s performance and adds longevity


By DavidUSANovember 13, 2017

As a maintenance item you can only say so much. I fire the gun a lot and it's still working great. The gun didn't smoke or show any other sign of trouble, which is about all you can expect.

Seems to work fine. Easy to apply.

Maybe a little pricey; I really don't know.

By Michael USAOctober 10, 2017

Good stuff. Use it where it is to be used.

Good stuff

Could be cheaper Price.

By JoeUSAAugust 23, 2017

Just what the doctor (and the manufacturer ) ordered. This oil keeps my Benjamin Prowler working at peak performance! I highly recommend it!

By MatthewUSAMay 8, 2017

Works well on both gas and spring piston seals, do not over lube 2 drops goes a long way. I had one bad honker and after setting for a weak the noise was gone. Saved what could've been a lot of work on my Hatsan 135.....

Worth the investment, very clean to work with, no detergent so it doesn't diesel, saves a lot of money.


By DANIELUSAFebruary 7, 2017

I guess this is a must have ,item

I try to take care of my springer

Better not be any.

By MikeNovember 29, 2016

Received as ordered. Well packaged from Airgun Depot. A little goes a long way! Use as directed on nitro pistoned Crosmans. Thanks, A.D!!

Airgun Depot delivers!! Will definitely use them again.


By WAYNEUSAJuly 20, 2016

One drop every tin of pellets placed in chamber is all you need to keep your Benjamin Trail in working order. Only time will tell.

Easy to use. A no brainier.


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Where can I find instructions on how to use this stuff, and where to apply it? Thanks.

asked Kevin from USA

Can I get an ingredient list on this, can I use this on a C02 Blow back BB pistol? Im wondering about the oil plastic dissolving the rubber and such.

asked Brett from Canada

Is there a list of chemicals that this Crosman RMC-OIL Silicone Oil contains? Does it have any of the following: Petroleum Distillates, Paraffins, Ether I would also be interested in knowing the same information for the Crossman PellGunOil

asked Robert from USA

Can I use this on PCP rifles, or break barrels rifles?

asked Jacqueline from USA

Can this oil be used for air compressors that require a Silicone oil for lubrication?

asked Scott W. from USA

Puedo usarlo en un rifle FX Wilcadt MKll de pcp el rifle se lo compre a AirgunDepot , tambien los Oring del rifle .

asked Guillermo from USA

Can i use it in my Discovery pcp and benjamin hand pump?

asked Francisco Loera

I have a Beeman Model R1 break open air rifle. This weapon was purchased in the late 70's. Is the Crosman RMC Silicone oil right as a chamber oil for this rifle?

asked JAMES from USA

I Have a Walther Airguns CP99 COMPACT. Would this be a great buy for the gun? Or a different Oil? Also How Do I Oil a Walther Airguns CP99 COMPACT ? Im new to this.

asked Jaydee

Please also note that this oil's label includes the words "for Spring Airguns" and your Walther reproduction is powered by CO2, not a spring.

Kevin from USA

Please go to the gun's page at Air Gun Depot and check the first listed review, from 1 Aug 2013. The buyer/reviewer notes that the gun requires a specific oil for lubrication, and it is not this Crosman oil. You should read the Umarex product documentation ("user's manual") in full to see what lubrication instructions might be in there. Then by all means ask again if you don't understand something...after reading the product documentation in full. Note that with all CO2 guns using the Crosman Pellgunoil (NOT this RMC Silicone Oil) is a very good idea: put a drop on the tip of the CO2 cartridge before inserting it and tightening the screw to pierce the top. This has, as a byproduct, the benefit of lubricating certain seals that maintain the integrity of the CO2 pressure system in the gun.

Kevin from USA

Crosman RMC-OIL is a silicone based oil recommended for lubricating the compression chambers of spring powered air guns. Instead, CO2 powered guns like the CP99 pistol should use a drop or two of Crosman Pelgun Oil on the tip of the CO2 cartridge when a new cartridge is installed. This will lubricate the mechanism and protect the seals. 20 weight non-detergent motor oil may be substituted here, but it does not have the seal preservatives found in the pelgun oil. The moving parts of your gun can be lightly lubricated with household oil, but do so sparingly.

Allen from USA

Still relatively new to airguns. Where do you lubricate an air rifle, please? One reviewer wrote "The first of each month, I position my rifle vertically, then squeeze a few drops down the barrel and let stand overnight." Not to put him in an awkward light, but is that the preferred method?

asked Kevin from USA

Crosman Silicone Oil is specifically designed to lubricate the compression chamber of spring powered air guns (including gas ram/ nitro piston), It works well on both break barrel and fixed barrel rifles. Start by cocking the rifle and standing it on the but end, then drop a few drops of oil directly into the chamber through the port hole. Now, un-cock the gun and let it stand muzzle up overnight. If your rifle cannot be un-cocked without firing it (some fixed barrel rifles), advance the cocking lever just enough to expose the chamber port hole and drop in a few drops of oil. Return the cocking lever to the un-cocked position, stand the rifle on its but end and let it sit overnight. It only takes a few drops every thousand rounds or so - Do not over oil and do not use petroleum based oil in the chamber of your springer.

Allen from USA

can you use this on guns that are not crosman or only on crosman guns, thanks

asked benjamin from USA

The oil is simply branded Crosman but is a basic oil that can be used to lubricate the critical places on ANY airgun. For what those places are, however, since I have only had my collection of rifles and handguns for a couple months, is something we will have to discover each on our own, because I haven't used them enough yet to require maintenance except for the most basic cleaning of the barrels. Of course, always consult the users' manual for any air gun you have. Best of luck, and safe shooting. - Kevin

Kevin from USA

I purchased this product because it is a very highly rated product that works! I did NOT buy it for Crosman guns only as I own Crosman and a couple of other different brands of airguns. I understand that you should not use oil that is for traditional firearms because of the ammo used in those guns. Crosman oil is for air guns ONLY but it does not matter the make of the gun. There are cheaper oils out there but as far as I am concerned I only plan on using this oil from now on.

Mike from USA

It can be also used on non-Crosman guns

Miguel from USA

Crosman RMC Silicone Oil is intended for use in all spring powered air guns (including gas-spring guns) to reduce dieseling caused by the extreme pressure/temperature produced in the compression chamber or these guns. I use it in my Browning leverage .22 air rifle with excellent results.

Allen from USA

I'm waiting on a Smith & Wesson M&P 40 (item no: 320113) to arrive in the mail, and I'm planning to buy a couple spring shotguns soon. Is this kind of thing ESSENTIAL for spring guns? Will they just wear out and slowly die after a few hundred shots or will they last without this?

asked George from USA

Hola from Puerto rico,i want to now if you ship to PR,i need to get two crosman rmc-oil,y how much is the shipping? Thanks.

asked Jose colon

Try checking out at the sight and if there is a restriction you will get a warning before you purchase the product. There are a lot of different regulations for all different countries and they are always changing, so we have set up an automatic warring if there is a product, based on your location, that is forbidden. Shipping price always changes, but you should be able to see the final price before you complete your purchase.

Scott from USA

Can this be used in nitro piston airguns? If not, what should I use?

asked jack from USA

Yes this is the oil to use in nitro piston guns. I just spoke with Crossman and this is the only Oil they recomend


Can I use this for my Remingtonn NPSS break barrel air rifle?

asked raymund from USA

Yes, use as directed.

Steve from USA
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