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Gamo Bone Collector Bull Whisper IGT

  • Code: 61100671W54 · .177 · 1300 fps
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Gamo Bone Collector Bull Whisper IGT Air Rifle
  • IGT gas piston (IGT=Inert Gas Technology)
  • Breakbarrel
  • Single-shot
  • 11mm optics dovetail
  • No open sights
  • Bull Whisper noise dampener
  • Rifled steel barrel with fluted polymer jacket
  • All-weather synthetic green stock with black rubber inserts
  • Dual raised cheekpieces (ambidextrous)
  • Textured pistol grip and forearm
  • Manual safety
  • Custom Action Trigger (CAT) independently adjustable 1st and 2nd stage, allows you to tailor your trigger 
  • 2-stage adjustable trigger
  • Shock Wave Absorber (SWA) recoil pad absorbs up to 74% more recoil
  • Recoil Reducing Rail maximizes scope lifespan with 99.9% recoil compensation
  • Includes 4x32 scope, mount, elasticized scope lens covers, hex wrench, and cleaning clot

Benefits of the IGT over a metal mainspring:
  • Smoother cocking
  • Smoother shooting
  • No spring torque
  • No spring fatigue, even if you leave it cocked for hours
  • Functions perfectly in cold weather
  • Lasts longer than a metal spring
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  • ManufacturerGamo
  • Caliber .177
  • Velocity 1300 fps
  • Condition New
  • Ammo Type Pellets
  • Action Break barrel
  • Barrel Style Rifled
  • Fire Mode Single-shot
  • Gun Weight 5.95
  • Overall Length 43.75
  • Barrel Length 19.13
  • Loudness 3-Medium
  • Magazine Capacity 0
  • Mechanism Gas-piston
  • Rail 11mm dovetail
  • Safety Manual
  • Front Sights none
  • Rear Sights none
  • Shots per Fill 0
  • Trigger Adjustability Two-stage adjustable
  • Trigger Action 0
  • Use Small game hunting/plinking
  • Warranty 1-year limited warranty
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Average Customer Review
4.570 Reviews
61% (43)
24% (17)
9% (6)
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6% (4)
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By mattUSASeptember 23, 2017

Don't get me wrong! I love this gun only problem is the scope. It took about 40 shots before I totally lost all accuracy and could not get it to regroup at all. That being said I eliminated about 30 squirrels before that. Knocked them dead. I am using the Gamo Fire's hollow points and the Gamo Rockets with great luck! Right thru the eyeballs. I did eventually put a new scope on it a UTG 4x32 and picked backed up on the squirrels. Overall a great gun after you replace the scope.

Lots of knock down power Great design Light Good looking


By RICHARDJune 6, 2017

lightweight, accurate and very good trigger

By TonyUSAMay 25, 2017

Bought new, cleaned out and started to break in. Added an adjustable scope, CP 4-16x40 AO. Original plastic one does not work for me. I am sure it is usable, but for various ranges I like to have an AO scope to be able to compensate for parallax as needed. Of course, this rifle will not achieve the 1300 fps rated on the box, not even with Gamo's PBA pellets (which came in the box). With lead pellets (7.9 - 10.2 various) my best chrony came in at a little over 900 fps. Still respectable at over 14 fpe. Very loud when using PBA ammo, but still loud with any ammo! It does not crack, but it is a little loud and might not be quiet enough for backyard use. It has a nice feel and finish, looks good, light enough to be comfortable, easy cocking and fairly good trigger out of the box. Once broken in and sighted, will do quarter size groups at 25 yards. Plenty knockdown power for backyard pesting.
After a while I noticed my scope losing elevation, adjusted, again, adjusted, again, until the scope was maxed out. Turns out, barrel droop had gotten me! I added a UTG droop compensation weaver mount, new rings on scope, zeroed, and it settled down. Still shooting quarter size groups (maybe even a little better if I try harder)

Nice feel, acceptably accurate, hard hitting.

If you can change scope early, do so. Barrel droop. Louder than expected.

By MatthewUSAMay 22, 2017

I've got over 1,200 shots and it still shoots like new.

Super light weight for what i'm used too, plenty of power, very accurate, smooth cocking cycle.

None unless you like a heavy gun.

By SeanUSAJanuary 31, 2017

I found this rifle to be light and easy to handle. One of my favourite .177 cal rifles. It can be a bit noisy if you are shooting light ammunition. I sacrifice the high velocity for accuracy and it's a bit quieter shooting the heavier pellets.

Light and easy to shoot

Can be noisy with light ammo

By TitoJanuary 10, 2017

I was searching for a low cost entry level .177 cal. air rifle just for fun when I decided on the bone collector bull whisper.
AGD shipped the gun right away and it arrived on Saturday morning so I had the whole day to go thru it and shoot it.
I opened the box and set the items out on a table.

The first thing I noticed was that there were no pellets shipped with the gun.
Fortunately I had ordered some other pellets along with the gun and they also arrived with the gun so I had something to shoot.
I own many guns and My number one rule is to thoroughly clean and inspect a gun when you first get it.
I had to completely degreased this gun from top to bottom it took a lot of work.
The barrel was fuzzy looking when I first starred down it from the factory.
I ran 15 patches through it to get it clean, and the first 6 patches were completely black colored.
Not what I had expected to find.

The second thing I noticed was that the gun had a full length raised scope mount rail already mounted on the rifle barrel.
The mount was covered in the same thick greasy shipping oil as the rest of the gun and appeared to be factory mounted.
This mount was not shown in any of the advertised pictures.
At this point I was wondering if this gun was used and returned with the mount in the original packaging without the pellets or a cleaning.

I decided that it was just a cheep gun I was probably going to have issues with it so let's just see where it goes from there.

I removed the scope mount rail and discarded it along with the original scope in lieu of a 4x32 Simmons shotgun scope I already had.
I also used other scope rings similar to the ones provided with the gun but slightly lower, installed directly to the rifle barrel dovetailing .
This put the scope as low as possible while providing 4" of eye relief.
I took a lot of time and care to mount the scope securely and level the scope inline with the barrel.
I centered the scope adjustments to start with so I would have adequate adjustment in all directions.

I took a cardboard box and drew a set of cross hairs on the center of it with a black sharpie marker and set out at 25yards.
The first shot was 6" high and 6" to the right.
Six shots later and I was shooting thru the center of the target crosshairs without fail.
For the record I am shooting 8 grain polymer tipped lead pellets

I like the gun but would advise everyone to inspect the parts received and clean the gun before shooting.

Nice appearance, light, accurate, affordable

mystery parts shipped, pitiful instructions, worthless scope, Cleaning required prior to use.

By AnthonyUSASeptember 21, 2016

I've read the reviews and issues for giving a low rating. My rating of 4 is simple. Everything, including the scope most people trash, works according to the manufacturers specs except one. They advertise up to 975 fps using PBA ammo. I used 9.9 grain PBA Platinum and 3 years later it still can't shoot over 935 fps. Now let's see why it's a 4 star beginning with the scope. I'm ex military and a marksman on ranges with multiple pop up targets from 10 - 50 yards. 40 shots, 40 kills, NO scope, open sights only. The 4x32 scope provided is more than adequate for seeing much smaller targets at those distances. The cocking effort is easy for me and the trigger pull has not been changed since I bought it. Pellets! Ah pellets. Many say you have to find the right pellet for your air gun. This is true. However, it's not entirely accurate. Using a Pro Chronograph, Chairgun Pro and a dozen different pellet types and weights, I have found 4 pellets so far that will shoot a 1 inch group from 5-30 yards consistently in this gun without changing my 25 yard zero range. They are (1) H&N hollow point 12.65 gr (2) Gamo Rocket 14.3 gr (3) Skenco Ultramag 18.2 gr (4) H&N Baracuda Match 21.3 gr. All 4 pellets still retain over 12 ft-lbs of energy at 25 yards. There are more pellets to test so I'm sure I will find a few more that will work just as well. If you buy this gun, try the scope first and don't forget the blue Loctite for all the scope mount screws. Remember, before scopes, open sights were King. A master of Old School methods doesn't need a sniper scope to kill a rat, just practice and good form.

By MitchUSAFebruary 29, 2016

I'm not a Gamo fanboy & not a fan of their plastic guns & exaggerated advertising, HOWEVER, they are as close to the mark with this rifle as they've ever been. Time will tell how this rifle holds up but first impression is they have a winner here. Good Stuff next -
1. Custom Action Trigger (CAT) - One of the best non-German triggers yet. Independently adjust first & second stage pull length. While not adjustable, the pull weight on mine is just under 3 lbs. Similar in feel to Crosman's CBT, but breaks at a much lighter weight. Also it's a true hunting rifle - no automatic safety, which I view as a plus in the field. The Crosman style manual safety lever in front of the trigger is just right.
2. Recoil Reducing Rail (RRR) - Alert! The scope ring cap screws & rail screws are TORX head, not Allen. A torx wrench for these is included with the rifle. I think the reviews should be broken down by pre & post addition of the 11mm dovetail scope RRR. The thing works as advertised. I have Weaver/Picatinny rails on other gas ram & magnum rifles so was skeptical about the setup. So far, it works.
3. Bull Whisper barrel - No stock air rifle have an actual bull barrel, but the term has stuck. Unlike most airgun "silencers" this system also works well. It's almost as quiet as a Benjamin Steel Eagle NP2, which is the quietest rifle I have & go-to hunting rifle.
4. Shooting - In a word, it's pleasant to shoot. It is not particularly hold sensitive, light arming at about 30 lbs, minimal recoil. I ran about 100 rounds of 14.6gr Crosman .22 Premier Ultramags thru it. Was shocked that after the scope was sighted in, it shot quarter size groups at 18 yrds. Yes, even with the typically horrible stock scope. It will get an upgrade after break-in, which won't be very long. Will post crony results later.
5. Pellets .22 cal. - Very pellet picky. So far it likes 14.6gr Crosman .22 Premier Ultramags (round nose), with Crosman Premier Hollow Points & 14gr flat nose RWS Meisterkugelen Pro Line yielding nickel & dime size groups @18 yards. 16.9 gr Ruger Superpoints yielded about a 2" group. 11.9gr RWS Hobbys & 16.7gr Crosman Red Flight Penetrators are horrible in the rifle. Interestingly, the 15.43 Gamo lead ball ammo does about 1 1/2" groups @ 18 yards as did the & Crosman Destroyers. Both those tear up what they hit. Of note, the Crosman & Gamo ball are tight in the chamber. The Rugers & RWS, not so much. More later. Have another 3 or 4 types to try.
Update - MORE PELLET INFO - The photo is the target used for these tests at 25 yards. Top Left, H&N Baracuda Copper Plate. Very bad but at 21 gr might just be too heavy for this rifle. Top Right, JSB Exact Diabolo 18.13 grshot the best of any so far. The one flyer was me, not the ammo or gun. Lower Left, Crosman Hollow Points 14.3gr. One high flyer was me, the other was ammo. Lower Right, Crosman Pointed Hunting pellets. Very inconsistent batch with some very tight & other almost loose. This is reflected in the results. I really wanted to use these pellets so I tried them in a Benjamin Nitro Venom (center target) with similar results.

Light, Accurate, not very hold sensitive

Bad Stuff - This will be a good hunter but disappointed that for the money it doesn't come with sling swivels. Stock screws are nicely covered but not meant to be accessible. Not sure after the rubber insert is removed how to reattach. Will figure something out. No clear click when charging so never quite sure when the piston is fully compressed. Not a big deal but is annoying. Yeah, scope it junk but these reviews should be about the rifle, not the scope. But, why do these guys use a plastic trigger & safety on an otherwise good weapon. Compared to a Benjamin Steel Eagle, which is probably the closest comparison at the same price point, all the Gamo plastic disappoints. Only continued good performance may make up for that. Hoping this rifle holds up over time. I like it.

By DennyAugust 20, 2015

Very pleased with my purchase. This performs quite well. Everything I expected.

Accurate,powerful and easy to shoot.


By NathanUSAJune 25, 2015

Refurbished just like brand-new. Great shooting rifle the garden pests don't stand a chance.

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So I saw that this was made a while ago back before the new recoil reducing rail and 3-9x scope became standard. Is it possible to get this rifle with those now?

asked Justin

is it worth the money and does it have front sights or do you have to use the scope will it take down a raccoon

asked christopher

I've owned my Bone Collector for almost a year now. I've noticed that the cocking effort has lightened up some is this suppose to be normal or could that be a sign that I'am losing power and that here my be something wearing out. I can't really tell if I had more power before this started to happen It seems OK but I'am not sure can somebody answer this question soon because my years warranty is almost up

asked David Cody

what is the loudness ?

asked david from USA

What kind of range and accuracy should you expect from this rifle?

asked JOHNNIE from USA

fifty yards. probably twenty five to thirty for a pest in the garden.

jeff from USA

What kind of range and accuracy should you expect from this rifle?

asked JOHNNIE from USA

I bought the refurbished gamo bone collector because i was not ready to spend 300+ bucks for my first air rifle, and I am very happy with it. It came like new out of the box, since it recoils like a springer (even though it has a different mechanism) it may have the same learning curve when it comes to recoil control for accuracy. That being said, I have had a blast with it and with the heavy bbs, around 10gr or so, its very accurate. Ive been shooting big orbweaver spiders off the trees by where I live out to 50 yards away after I got a good zeroing on the scope. Speaking of I got a more expensive aftermarket scope because the one it comes with is not that great if you want alot of presicion. All in all its amazing for the price. Accuracy and range will definetly not let you down, farthest ive been able to shoot it is at 90 yards and was consistently hitting cans 9/10 shots, and im still a newbie when it comes to airgunnng. I dont regret buying it and am very satisfied with the performance.


I flat-out drop the hammer on a chipmunks at 75-100ft (25-30yds) with a CP Zombie scope replacement. Choose your ammo wisely. Certain loads fire more accurately than others.

Matthew from USA

is the gun plastic? not counting the barrel

asked Torin

The stock is not plastic. It is a composite material and very light compared to wood. I have a Crossman with a wood stock which feels heaver. This air gun is mush easier to hold on target. The nitro piston is easier to operate for the reload on a missed shot. I have had the paper target scram so I have to get the reload done quickly to nail it on the second shot. I am not a hunter anymore so I can not commit about live targets. Keep your eyes up and your barrel down.

Jeffrey from USA

the stock is a composit green plastic with black rubber inserts for handgrip. I used camo tape on mine .


Yes. Most of the gun is a composite plastic, but it is nice and solid. Not cheap.

Peter from USA

Yes, the stock is a composite material. Straight from Gamo - "The gun is built on a special hunter forest green composite stock with dark grey rubber grip inserts.

Mike from USA

Yes, the stock is a high-quality composition "plastic". This is way better than a painted 2X6 for balance and stability. It also allows rubber grips to be embedded.


The stock appears to be a high quality compost material, much like my full sized rifles. It is not a wood stock. Weather will not effect it. It really shocks the varmints at my place.


it's a composite stock with some rubber accents. fairly good quality feel.

Matthew from USA

Does the Bone Collector come with standard sights in case I don't want to install a scope? Would you consider this to the 'lightweight'? Thanks

asked Don P from USA

Like most airguns any more, there are no sights on this gun from the factory, nor are there points onto which sights can be set, other than a scope. As to weight, this gun is what I would consider a medium weight rifle, easy enough to carry in the field. placing a scope on this gun will add to the weight, but not to the point of any discomfort.

Neil from USA

no open sites as with most combo,i personally don't like this on rifles, I like to have a choice, sometimes the surroundings don't warrant the use of scopes. this rifle is light weight for a full size air rifle

Garry from USA

Are these factory refurbished, and do they come with any warranty?

asked Tom McWherter

what pellets are most accurate for this air gun?

asked James

20 of the same guns off the assembly line in order will "like " different pellets. You have to spend time figuring what pellet (s) it "likes".Domed are usually the most accurate at med. (30 to 50 )yrds .to long (50 to 75 yrds) ranges.I have had good luck with h&n barracuda match domed 10.65 gr.(4.51 and 4.52 ) head size, crosman premier domed 10.56 domed works SOME OF THE TIME. It can vary with the crosmans. You have to spend the time and money finding the pills YOU SPECIFIC gun will shoot the best. That's just how it works.


Hard to say, mine likes crosman hollow points, the Destroyers, and Gamo magnum, and master points. Yours may hate all these. You'll have to try different ones to see what it likes

Charles from USA

Will the "RWS 11mm one piece high mount" fit this rifle ?

asked Scrambler82 from USA

I will try to answer both your questions together! I had a one piece scope attached holding a Center Point 4-12x40AO scope, and eventually developed some barrel droop, which was enough for my one piece not to adjust elevation correctly! I added a UTG compensator scope adapter and single mounts, and now everything is fine!!! Shoots on target every time!

Tony from USA

Suggested Scope upgrades ?

asked Grev

I will try to answer both your questions together! I had a one piece scope attached holding a Center Point 4-12x40AO scope, and eventually developed some barrel droop, which was enough for my one piece not to adjust elevation correctly! I added a UTG compensator scope adapter and single mounts, and now everything is fine!!! Shoots on target every time!

Tony from USA

I would recomened the Leapers UTG True Hunter Rifle scope. You will be very happy with it.

Rasher from USA

I replaced the original scope with a HAMMERS scope. Much improved. Look at reviews and U will find a lot of happy shooters. Best news I paid about $60! I use a quality lead pellet Meisterkuglen!


Does this refurb come with a nitro piston or the original IGT piston? Just curious. Thanks

asked Chris from USA

Yes it comes with IGT. It seems a little quieter than the spring piston, my refurbished gamo needed some tuning when I received it, after 2 scopes and 250 pellets my Bone Collector is very accurate I can hit 1.5" targets at 45 yards. I had to shim the scope to compensate for barrel droop, I suggest cleaning the barrel before shooting it and trying different pellets mine shoots very accurate with Crosman Premiers and Crosman Domed both in 10.5 grain.

henry from USA

I think it has the nitro piston. Thats what is on the box.

Craig from USA

It comes with the original IGT piston, and is very powerful, I got a Nitro piston too and the speed is almost the same and the noise too.

Delvis from USA

How can I fix barrel wobble?

asked Bobby from USA

I have the same problem. I use a steady stick. They are pretty cheap to buy.


I ordered this Gamo Bone collector Air Rifle & then found out they were our of stock.I need it delivered by the 18th absolutely no later than the 19th. Does anybody see this being a problem because I paid high dollar for @2 days express shipping...

asked russ from USA

Russ, We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused. Looking at your order it looks like it shipped on the 17th of March and delivered on the 19th. Hopefully this order got to you in time. Once again we apologize for any stress this order might have caused. Sincerely, Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

I know very little about air rifles, can you help me pick out one that is accurate, and able to bring down small game.

asked Allen

I live in WV, I'd say that you choose .22 .177 is good but getting that extra knock down power is good. The lower volocity doesn't matter I use to want air rifles with high volocity's but the .177 is still good the .22 has lower volocity but harder hitting power. If your going to hunt things like raccoons or things in that area a .22 will work well, .177 for things like squirrels, rats , rabbits. It all comes down to how big the game is and what you like.


hey body, how much to shipping Canada Québec?

asked philippe

Phillippe, Please contact our International Shipping Department at [email protected]. They can answer any questions you might have. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

when will this be back in stock

asked wade

Wade, Unfortunately, this particular item is hard to say when it will be back in stock. Since it is a refurbished item we have no control on when we will get more from the manufacturer. Usually we find out just before out next order whether we will be getting any. Hopefully this answers your question. Sincerely, Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

Are the included scope rings reliable if i switch scopes?

asked Harry

No, with loctide and extra Gamo stopper, it moved back. Now I use an one piece mount and it seems ok.

Johan from Holland (Netherlands)

Are the included scope rings good enough if i got a new scope?

asked Harry

Well as stated in my first answer my opinions did change after a bunch more shooting somewhere around 500 shots the scope mounts have shaken themselves off even making a nasty divot where the stop pin forced its way out of the stop hole. I have now ordered a weaver rail adapter (longest I could get was 4 inches) with lots of gripping surface. Hope this works out better I am incidentally also adding a scope with a little more magnification range and Mill Dots to take advantage of longer effective range.

James from USA

I used them to mount a scope I had laying around with a little more magnification. my opinion may change after a bunch more shooting but it has not move a bit in about 100 rounds fired so far if it hasn't moved in that many experience tells me it most likely wont. I'll add The rings work with my 40mm objective scope and likely would work with a 44 objective but any larger you are gonna have to get higher rings or a raised mount, and depending on your personal dimensions that will likely cause you to lose a good cheek weld. was thinking of a larger objective myself but have decided to get the next scope 40 or 44 millimeter objective so I dont' have to raise the scope up. I do want mill dots or radians to get more use of all that velocity/power/range.

James from USA

The scope mounts are ok I would get the 11 mm to 20 mm weaver picatiny rail base converter 90 mm the longer the better if varmint hunt at night You can mount a flash light ect to it and if you grab the scope it on ther solid. And if you are buying a refurb gun check you soft grips in the stock that there in good and tight I just bought one and the front grip was falling out called gamo and they haven't help me one bit They said they send me one out but it never came

kevin from USA



When will this item be back in stock?

asked Harry

Harry, We are expecting this particular item to be back in stock within the next 2-3 weeks. Unfortunately, we can not give you a definite date. Just continue to follow the website for any updates. Hopefully that answers your question. Sincerely, Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

Is the scope with this rifle good and how quite is it?

asked James waller

as with most scopes included in package deals,you are paying for the rifle and they throw the scope in for free.its a crap shoot whether the scope you get will suffice or be a throw away.mine never got installed because out of the box it was blurry and unable to sharpen up but I have bought other rifle combos where the scopes were at least satisfactory. over time I usually replace all with a better quality scope. the rifle is very quiet,shoots good after break in,i shoot in my back yard with neighbors close by and they don't even hear fact to me the rifle is so quiet its sometimes hard to believe its as powerful as it is..

Garry from USA

is this a good weapon

asked kshayarsh

This is an Excellent rifle for hunting small game or plinking. Its well worth the money... Some say the scope is ok,, but I upgraded to one rated for Spring Rifles. I used a Hawke one piece mount which is solid and does not move and the scope I used was a Bushnell Trophy XLT 4-12X40 which can handle double recoil. Plus I like to zoom in on my target for good shot placement.

Kevin from USA

It is a very powerful gun and shoots like a beauty. This is not a kids toy without the supervision of adults.

Henrik from Norway

Will you sell me a refurbished Gamo Bone Collector Bull Whisper in 22 cal for the same price ?

asked Jim Monroe

Jim, We would like to sell you a refurbished Gamo Bone Collector Bull Whisper .22 Cal rifle. However since we do not know when or if we would get any of this particular refurbished rifle into stock. Airgun Depot at this time can not give you a price for them to be sold at. Continue to look on the webpage for any upcoming refurbished rifles such as the Gamo. Hopefully that answers your question. Sincerely, Airgun Depot Customer Care Team.

Scott from USA

What is the tube size of the stock scope?

asked Steve

1 inch. Ask another question like, what are the actual fps with different weight pellets? You will be surprised. I was.

Anthony from USA

Overall length 10". 1" diameter middle section for mounting with rings is 4-5/8" long. Objective ~36mm. Dovetail on receiver is 7.5" long - plenty of room to move scope relief.

John from USA

Hi, is it coming with the scope?


Jaroslav, Yes this gun does come with a scope, according to the website it includes a 4x32 Scope (unmounted)+ Dovetail Mount. Hope that answers your question. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

What would you compare the quietness of this gun to?

asked Charlie

Its loud until you break in the rifle. Once broken in and the manufacturing oils are burned off, the rifle quiets down nicely.

Kevin from USA

with sub 5.6 grain pellets it's as loud as a .22 , with pellets above about 5.6 grns, not half as loud.


The first shots in any springer rifle are loud as the rifle burns off the manufacturing oil inside. (Called Dieseling) Once it breaks in and burns off the oils it quiets down nicely. At least mine quieted right down to a nice level. No pellet gun is silent even with a suppressor, but with mine the pellet striking the target seems louder then the gun shooting.

Kevin from USA

It's not quiet at all. I believe it to be just as loud as a .22 long rifle.

Connor Roderick

Is it pump action?

asked ming sum from USA

Action: Break Barrel

Scott from USA

How do you load the gas in?

asked bob

You don't. The gas piston in self contained and doesn't need to be refilled or recharged. At least there's nothing in the directions that states how to refill it if needed.

Lawrence Lee


asked DWIHGT

ncludes: Air Rifle, 4x32 Scope (unmounted)+ Dovetail Mount

Scott from USA

Qual dos 3 abaixo e o melhor para caçar? qual o melhor em todos os aspectos custo beneficio e satisfação do cliente para caça de animais de maior porte? me respondam por favor 1º Gamo Silencioso Perseguidor IGT 0,22 2º Gamo Colecionador de Ossos Touro Sussurro 3° NPXL 1100 Which of the 3 below and the best for hunting? which is the best in all aspects of cost benefit and customer satisfaction to hunt larger animals? answer me please Gamo Silent Stalker 1st IGT 0.22 2nd Gamo Bone Collector Bull Whisper 3 1100 ° NPXL

asked joao from USA

NP XL 1100 is the way to go for larger game.


Gamo Bone Collector Bull Whisper


Is this the quietest .177 cal rifle that Gamo makes?

asked Ray from USA

No, not by a long shot. Look into the Whisper Fusion Pro- registers under 100db.

Jake from USA

This will be the first air gun I have ever bought. From those that use this air gun have you found a pellet that works well with this weapon and what grain works better with this rifle?

asked Nicholas from USA

My Bone Collector Bull Whisper in .22 Loves the H&N Baracuda Hunter Extremes. They come in 19.06 grain and shoot very well from my rifle. My groups at 20 yards are dime size holes. I can't comment on the scope as I mounted a variable powered scope as I like to zoom in on the target when shooting. To me shot placement is everything. If you upgrade the scope remember to get one like the Bushnell Trophy XLT 4-12X40 as it is rated for break barrels and is an excellent choice. Just remember when it come to optics you get what you pay for. Good luck and I hope you enjoy your rifle as much as I've enjoyed mine....

Kevin from USA

Dear Sir, Can you ship this unit to Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia since here its illegal to buy from other country.

asked petrus

Go to that webpage, where the item you want is. Click on "Add to Cart." (There will be a pop up with other items if you want those) Then click "proceed to checkout" if that is everything you want. When your checking out at the sight and there is a restriction you will get a warning before you purchase the product. There are a lot of different regulations for all different countries and they are always changing, so we have set up an automatic warring if there is a product, based on your location, that is forbidden. We will never ship an item to your country if it is illegal.

Scott from USA

How quiet and accurate is this gun once broken in? I was also looking at the crosman Titan and nitro venom. Which gun would you recommend most out of the three? I am looking for a quiet gun for some pest control. How long does it take to break this gun in?

asked Anonymous

My Crosman Titan GP is a refurbished gun which cost me $100 with shipping. The specs are almost exactly the same as the Bull Whisper, meaning 975 fps range with ALLOY pellets. With 14.3 gr lead pellets my GP gets 725 fps, which is much more power than needed for small game like rabbits, squirrels, and birds. I would expect about the same from the Bull Whisper too. My GP is extremely accurate, .5" to 1" 5 shot groups at 50 yards even on breezy days with the 14.3 gr Crosman pointed pellets. Premium pellets such as Kodiaks do even better, but are slower due to higher weight. The Titan GP hits the scale at about 6.75 #, so is a bit heavier than the BW, but not objectionably heavy to me. For the difference in price, I would recommend the Titan GP, and put the extra money into good mounts and a scope! All air guns require a break in period, some more than others. The GP required only about 50 rounds, some as much as 1000 rounds or more. Also, the BW may be quieter than the GP, don't know, but the GP is certainly not very noisy.


I own one of these rifles in .22. I got it before I knew about AGD but I can tell you mine is Very Accurate printing dime size groups at 45 feet and the more rounds you put through it the quieter it seems to get. It's certainly not louder than any of my other air guns. My accuracy was originally about 1 inch groups until after 100 to 150 shots then the groups shrank to dime size... I cant comment on the other rifles you mentioned, but I am very happy with mine. Especially considering it's light weight and has punch. You'll love it when hiking and hunting with it weighing in under 6 lbs compared to 10 lbs in other rifles.

Kevin from USA

I didn't find it very quiet. Also I am not satisfied with the accuracy either.


What kind of FPS would you get using lead pellets?

asked Ray from USA

Depends on the weight of the pellet. With the 14.3 gr pellets probably in the 725 - 775 fps range. With lighter lead pellets around 11 grains, maybe 800 - 850 fps. With heavier pellets less than 675 fps, and extremely heavy pellets less than 600 fps. With the heaviest Eun Jin pellets available, probably not much more than 500 fps, if that! With alloy pellets, maybe the manufacturer's listed 975 fps. But I have never found the alloy pellets to be accurate in any gun! They exist in my inventory strictly for "bragging rights"! Go with which ever pellet gives you best accuracy, In about 75% of my .22, the 14.3 gr Crosman pointed work well or the 14.3 gr CHP. Kodiaks seem to work extremely well in all but the lowest powered guns, as do the heavier JSB pellets. Light weight match grade pellets seem to work well in my lower powered guns,


It will be around 750-800 fps with lead pellets.

Conor from USA

Does the scope dial in when you twist the knobs, or is it a the type with the screws? I have had 4 scopes with the screws and it gets annoying sighting them.

asked Anonymous

This scope requires a quarter or a flat head screw driver to adjust the windage and elevation.

Scott from USA

Is this the best gun to shoot starlings in my back yard?

asked Dale Shaw

This will get the job done, but if you are just shooting starlings, you might want to look into .177 cal. they aren't as messy.

Conor from USA

i want to buy this gun in india so is it possible for me to buy this gun and by what time will it be delivered to me pls do reply me on my Email id

asked Samuel

Samuel, We are unable to ship to India at this time. I apologize for the inconvenience. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Steve from USA

Can I mount a night vision scope on it using Picatinny rails?

asked Chuck

If you're going to spend that kind of money on a scope, I'd suggest putting it into a better rifle.

Jake from USA

What is nitro? I am a new person and am wondering if it is something I will have to buy and put in the gun? Or can I just cock the gun and pull the trigger?

asked jarred

A Nitro piston is a feature already installed in the gun. Instead of a traditional coiled steel spring inside, it uses a gas ram that compresses gas. Its much quieter and contributes to a smoother shot, and slightly more power depending on pellet.

Jake from USA

How many pumps to shoot a varmit at 15 yards? Tell me something about a 2 stage trigger? Positive and Negative evaluation. Do you recommed a different air gun to shoot the varmits that rampage our gardens and green house? It must be extremely accurate and have an scope that can be zeroed in at 15 yds. Often times I can only see a head or a rear quarter to shoot at. My standard .22 rifle with scope will do the job but I have a problem with my wife when I shoot it.

asked Oscar

The accuracy is great at 15yrds, and the trigger on this rifle is really awesome. It is very smooth, breaks consistently and cleanly, and I'm guessing is very close to 3lbs. Stopping power from this rifle is very good and you'll be surprised how much like a rimfire it feels. Have you ever tried the quiet .22s in your rimfire rifle? It isn't going to cycle most semi-autos, but in a single-shot rifle or lever action your wife will never know you were shooting. :)


This air rifle will do the trick for you... How many pumps? Uhm, zero... This isn't a pump air rifle like you had when you were a kid... It's a break barrel. Push the barrel down past 90 degrees and it charges the nitro piston. So if you think of that as a pump, then one I guess. Two stage trigger: A normal single-stage trigger has the same tension throughout the pull to release. A two-stage trigger has two defined stages that are often adjustable. think of it as a trigger that you can take up the slack very easily before that final stage where the hammer is released. That final stage only take a small amount of pressure before the pellet is fired. This air rifle will easily take care of your garden pests at 15 yards... 975 f.p.s. Is crazy powerful for a ..22 caliber pellet gun.

Robert from USA

I'm looking for a rabbit starter gun. Would this be a good start?

asked Travis

It's a great gun for rabbits, but the only thing is that the scope that it comes with is not that good. I would get a better Scope.


yes it would i mean there are a bit cheaper ones that do the job but everytime i go for rabbits i knock em down everytime

cesar medina

hello,you send to argentina ,tankyou

asked marcelo

Marcelo, Yes, we are able to ship to Argentina. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Steve from USA

HI I'm from South Africa and would like to know if you guys can ship to South Africa? Thanks

asked Shaun

I am sorry but we cannot ship to South Africa.

Scott from USA

I have a .177 that I use for squirrels that are eating up electrical lines around my place. They don't always stay down unless it's a head shot. I got one shot through the body and the darn squirrel fell, but got back up and was back at work the next day! Will the .22 be more deadly, distance about 35 yds. Jim

asked jim

.22 WILL be more deadly. it hits much harder.

Scott from USA

Does this gun have an IGT gas piston? Also does this gun have a SAT (smooth action trigger)? I read the discription and it does not many anything about ether one of these things.

asked Joe

Yes the Bone Collector BW has both the IGT gas piston and the SAT trigger

matthew from USA

Yes it has both an IGT and an SAT.


what game can you hunt with this

asked miles

with gamo :armor piercing pellets...... car door skins,(at 60 ft.),3/4 inch plywood(at 60 ft.)1/4 inch saplings(@60 ft.)all these and more!


I have I hunted a variety of small game, squirrel, chipmunks, field mice, and even a close range woodchuck (20 yards). I think this gun is the best spring/ nitro piston gun I have onwed (5 total) for small game. It is extremaly accurate and I reguraly shoot 2''x2'' targets at 50 yards with a 4-16x50mm scope. I really think this gun has enough power for a woodckuck, like I said. I have dispatched many of animals and highly advise you to shoot some small game (squirrel is delicious). ;)

John V.

Small game....By that i mean rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, moles, mice, crows, etc.... Super accurate to about 200'. I got mine for squirrels and chipmunks that are chewing up our bird feeders. Shots from 50' to 200' rarely miss.

Raymond from USA

is there a canister of nitrogen that you have to install after so many shots or does the rifle use the nitrogen in the air

asked James

This rifle has a prefilled gas piston chamber in place of a spring chamber, the gas is sealed in and should never need to be refilled.

Steve from USA
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