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Gamo Viper Express EXP20 Shot Shells - 25 ct

Only $9.99
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  • Code: 632300054 · $9.99 · .22 · 0 grains · 25 ct
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FOR USE IN THE GAMO VIPER AND SHADOW EXPRESS SHOTGUNS ONLY! The Viper Express has all the power and penetration needed for hunting small game and birds at medium to close range. Our precision, raised ribbed, chocked barrel yields a tight pattern of only 6 at 10 yards. The new EXP20 .22 caliber shotshell delivers a 17 grain payload of #9 shot with enough power and velocity to penetrate over 1/4 of 200 lb compressed paper board at over 10 yards. Ideal for hunting small game on the run or in the air.
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  • ManufacturerGamo
  • Caliber .22
  • Ammo Type Shot Shell
  • Ammo Weight 0 grains
  • Pellet Shape Cylindrical
  • Pellet Quantity 25 ct
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By RobertUSAApril 4, 2024 Verified Purchase

I NEED this ammo to fit a CO2 pistol for bug kills. Salt guns are lightweight for flies, I needed to kill carpenter bees. Thanks Robert

Spot on Gamo ammo

More BANG for my buck HaHa,

By KathyUSANovember 5, 2023 Verified Purchase

We did not know we needed these when we got the gun but the website was very easy to use!


By WileyUSASeptember 1, 2023 Verified Purchase

Power. Pellets penetrated more than I would have thought. Good grouping. Seems accurate enough

Expense. Shot shells too expensive. 40 cents each

By WendellUSAAugust 29, 2023 Verified Purchase

Easy to load, very quiet where houses are close together. Good for shooting very close, up to 10 feet.

Would like more pellets in the shot shells. There's enough room for more.

By MartinJune 28, 2023

Fast shipping and airgun depot made it right. I've ordered before many times and never had quality issues until now.

They are fun to shoot.

Better quality control where the shells are manufactured. I bought four boxes. Three boxes had defects. No shot, light shot, I weighed them, and bent cartridges. Not airgun depots fault and they made it right when I talked to them.

By PaulUSAApril 29, 2023 Verified Purchase

Best price I've been able to find for the Gamo EXP20's

Work great~!!!


By JerryUSAFebruary 18, 2023

Everything they are a great little shotshell.

By JerryUSAMarch 8, 2022


The shell does what they say they will do. Works really good in areas that you cannot use a firearm.

I could not find a part number for the adapter for firing pellets out of the shadow express. Does Air Gun carry that part? I know that a spent shotshell will work, but I want a brass one.

By TimUSAMarch 16, 2021

I also bought a new 25 caliber air gun not mentioning what brand it is but also not knowing I needed a pump for the gun my mistake but just saying if you're going to buy these high-dollar air rifles check into it more than I have because it's been a costly mistake.

Gamo portrays these 22 caliber shells to work in a 22 caliber air rifle not true what so ever as far as I can tell unless I'm missing something. Can anyone help? I have a Gamo Whisper Fusion Mach 1 22 caliber and the shells don't come close to fitting and they are 22 caliber shells. So why? Help me out please.

Not enough info or misguided by Gamo.......IDK.

By CharlesUSAApril 14, 2019

These Gamo shotshells are very effective,
Ideal for pest control

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Can I use in a Crossman 1100 Trap

asked DeBernard from USA

Can you buy in the uk

asked Roland from United Kingdom


Adam from USA

Where can I find the #9 bbs?

asked Jayden from USA

Are the shells reusable ? Can you shoot skeet clays with them?

asked Vrmnt Hntr 45 from USA

Will this fit into the Gamo Shadow express?

asked Elijah

What kind of ammo do I load with?are they reusable? Where do I get the ammo if they are reusable?

asked tyler Huntwork

Si pero no duran mucho lo mejor es mandarlo a un tornero o herrero y que te aga alguna en aluminio asi duraran para siempre

ismael from USA

Would these shells be effective against small to medium snakes? I live in a residential area where we aren't supposed to discharge firearms and I'm thinking something relatively quiet like and air rifle might be a way to dispose of the occasional snake without alerting the neighbors to what I'm doing. I had thought about something like a .22lr shot shell but they are still fairly loud...

asked Bryan

Why would you want to live somewhere that you can't discharge firearms?

Richard Bendover

I use these shells to remove sparrows from grocery stores and they are very effective at close range (10 yards or so). Since a birds skin affords a lot less protection than a snakes scales I wouldn't think they would be effective on anything more than the smallest snakes. BTW, In our state it is illegal to kill any species of snake so check your local regulations first.

John from USA

I was looking at the reviews the gamo express shot shell, i was wondering if the shells would work with any other .22 caliber rifle besides the gamo express?

asked connor

The empty shells will work like the brass adapter, but there is a lip at the base of the shotshells, where the brass adapter has no base. So with the base being smaller than a .22 pellet, either you remove the lip at the base of the plastic shell to make yourself an adapter for a pellet, or you would be able to push in a pellet or a round ball would be easy to push in. That also would work.


No they would not work. The shot shells are larger in diameter then a 22 cal. pellet. The rifle made to use the shot shells are not rifled and when a 22 cal pellet is used, an adaptor must be inserted in to the chamber. Then a 22 pellet is then inserted in to the adaptor.

Ray from USA

when do you think you will have the Gamo Ezpress EXP20 Shot Shells in stock I want 3 boxs please let me know

asked ozell taylor

We should be getting some in on February 13th.

Scott from USA

Can the casing be reloaded with say #6 shot?

asked bobby

Yes. Go to Michael's hobby store and buy some small cotton balls. I believe they are 2mm. Stand the shotshell up on a flat surface. Put one ball in and tamp it down with a dowel or something. Put in any kind of BBs you want. I use #6, 9, even bb's (2 or 3 only) or even rice -- anything you want to shoot. Fill it up a little over half way and put another cotton ball on top and tamp it in. You're done! You will soon know how much and what to put in the shell. The lighter the load the higher the velocity. Also you can buy aluminum casings on the internet. They are the best and last forever. Make a little dipper to make the loading faster. I have many airguns; this one is best.


I would imagine #6 can be put in the shell case however they are larger and heavier than the much smaller and lighter factory stuff, you will lose power/speed and very few shot due to space occupied by the larger shot. Probably not a good idea.


Sure. Use biodegradable packing peanut material as the base wad. That stuff is not styrofoam. It is natural. Get it wet and it gets sticky, that's an easy way to tell you have the right stuff. Pinch a decent piece off of one of the peanuts, and pack it in an empty shell so it is about 3/16 to 5/16 thick at the base when packed. Then get your shot, mix with some sawdust and cap with a piece of wax paper tamped in. Don't tamp the sawdust/shot really tight, The performance of this recipe is quite good and will allow you to reload your shells till they crack, which they will. You can get metal ones via the net that a guy is making and selling too.


Hi. Would I be able to shoot thers through a walther cp88 air pistol? Would they damage the inside of the barrel? Thanks.

asked Henri

Sorry, these will not fit into the walther cp88

Steve from USA

is it ok to shoot these shot shells thru a rifled barrel.

asked keitrh

Hi, these shot shells should not be fired through a rifled barrel as the shot could damage the rifling of your airgun. Thanks

Steve from USA
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