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H&N Hornet .25 Cal, 22.07 gr - 150 ct

Available in .177, .22, .25
Only $21.49
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  • Code: AGD-P1378 · $21.49 · .25 · 22.07 grains · 150 ct
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The Hornet is a .25 caliber pellet that has a pointed metal insert set into a large hollow in its nose.  A pellet of this caliber and weight will be best used for dispatching pests or hunting small game.

H&N Hornet Pellets, .25 Cal Pointed Pellets
  • .25 caliber
  • 22.07grains
  • Pointed
  • 150ct
  • Blister pack
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  • ManufacturerHaendler & Natermann
  • Caliber .25
  • Ammo Type Pellets
  • Ammo Weight 22.07 grains
  • Pellet Shape Pointed
  • Pellet Quantity 150 ct
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By Mark USAJanuary 18, 2025 Verified Purchase

Best pellet on the market.

By TerryUSADecember 2, 2024 Verified Purchase

Deadly On Iguanas ! One Shot One KILL !!!!!

Deadly On Iguanas !


By WayneUSAJune 16, 2024 Verified Purchase

Be safe, happy hunting, looking foward to my roasted Zebra Doves and Ringneck Doves, and my Sunday Pheasant Roast

Outstanding quality doing field testing

All is great

By TerryUSAMarch 22, 2024 Verified Purchase

Very Accurate !

A little less exspensive !

By R ScottUSAMarch 24, 2023 Verified Purchase

These shoot fabulous in my Benjamin Marauder. I've had no problems loading them in my magazine. I get very good groupings @ 20yds. They have gone fully thru 3/4" pt plywood and 1/2" red oak(separately). I should mention I'm shooting 25cal.

Awesome penetration w/ little to no deformation of the tip


By GeraldUSADecember 30, 2021

This is an Evil pesting pellet

By Francisco L.July 26, 2018

Although a little pricey, these pellets get the job done. They penetrate metal targets and even thicker metal targets with ease where a hollow points or round nose pellets needs to push through or gets stuck and you can tell because of the exit wounds are so neat and uniform, and consistent. I do not like hunting or shooting live animals but i can imagine these doing a lot of damage with the right shot placements especially in .25 caliber. Was using a lighter weight aluminum pellet for higher velocity but they were just not penetrating with ease like these pellets, would recommend.

Consistent manufacturing, no bent pellets, much higher than average penetration.

Of course, price. But these are no basic entry level pellets.

By StevenUSAMay 15, 2018

These would not fit into my FX Impact magazines in .25 they are a smidge to long for them. But they did fit real well in my Daystate Wolverine B Hi-Lite magazines. I have shot numerous Raccoons with these and dropped most all of them where they stood. With good placement of coarse @ 30 yards. They are very consistent at the 30-40 yard distance I shoot them at ! I have used them out at some greater distances but have never checked them for grouping any farther. I can't say anything bad about them. Other then they are a pricey pellet but then they take much more to make them then other simple hollow points or others. I would recommend, but I have always been scared they might damage my barrel if by some oddball chance they get stuck in it with the hard tip.

Very good penetration, consistent grouping at least @ 30-40 yards. GOOD results when quarry is hit in vital locations.

A little pricey for just target shooting. Worth the money for hunting game and providing good results when hit.

By scottMay 5, 2018

shoot very well...not much dirt they are a little lighter then whats printed the tin...only 4 stars



By TitusUSAJanuary 1, 2018

Penetrates, and penetrates. I bought these with hatsan edge vortex. 25 cal. At 650 fps ( as stated but I know it's less than that on impact but I don't have a chrono.) It gets the job done. That gun likes these pellets. My gun groups these at 1/4 inch groups at 20 yrs. But my longest kill is a rabbit at around 40 yrs with these. I shot a coyote with this at 17 yds ( head shot) dropped him in his tracks.

Accurate, and they penetrate

Price. Why are these$ 25.00 for 150? Even though I love these I'm considering the predator polymags because of the better price. H&N needs to figure out how to make the price a little better on these. They are good pellets but you kinda second guess using these before loading one.

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will this pellet fit in Hatsan BullBoss magazine

asked ching from USA

Do they fit hatsan flash pup

asked Israel from USA

I have the Hatsan flash pup qe , they fit and the pup loves them .

Frank from USA

Will they fit in the magazine of a LCS SK19?

asked Jessica from USA

The text says these are 23.16, but the tin in the photo says 24.38. Which one are you actually selling? Also, what's the length in mm so we know if these'll fit in our magazine or not? (I wish it was standard for the products to give their length in their stats, so we'd know if they fit our clips or not!)

asked Zack from USA


william from USA

Will they fit in a hatsan at44

asked Dhs police from USA

They can be single loaded. They are too long to fit in the magazine.

Mark from USA

Will it fit a Benjamin Marauder

asked Luis from USA

You can single load them. They will not fit in the magazine.

Mark from USA

Will this pellet fit in the Hatsan AT44 mag. / or what is the length of the pellet?

asked Jim
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