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H&K MP5 K-PDW BB Submachine Gun

Available in .177
Sale $119.99
  • Save $10.00 (7%)
  • Reg Price $124.99
  • In Stock
  • Code: 225-2330 · $119.99 · .177 · 400 fps
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The H&K MP5K-PDW (personal defense weapon) firearm is a compact gun designed for use by aircraft crew members and those in vehicles. While small, it packs a powerful punch (400 fps) and delivers the desired result! This CO2-powered BB version is an all-day shooter and easy enough that every family member can have fun shooting it! Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
  • CO2 submachine gun
  • Uses 12-gram CO2 cartridges
  • 40-rd removable banana mag holds steel BBs
  • Semi-auto
  • Recoils like the firearm
  • Folding stock
  • Forward grip
  • Lightweight- easy to shoot
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  • ManufacturerHeckler & Koch
  • Caliber .177
  • Velocity 400 fps
  • Condition New
  • Ammo Type BBs
  • Action Semiautomatic
  • Barrel Style Smooth bore
  • Fire Mode Repeater
  • Gun Weight 3.71
  • Overall Length 24.50
  • Barrel Length 6.00
  • Loudness 4-Medium-High
  • Magazine Capacity 0
  • Mechanism CO2
  • Rail No
  • Safety Manual
  • Front Sights Post globe
  • Rear Sights Adjustable
  • Shots per Fill 0
  • Trigger Adjustability 0
  • Trigger Action 0
  • Use Plinking/Fun
  • Warranty 90-day limited warranty
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By MarkUSAMarch 10, 2024 Verified Purchase

Fast shipping fast notification when on back order and ready in stock

love this style of BB GUN had one for 10 years - it finally died and then they started remaking this model again so I got the actual H&K MP5 K-PDW BB GUN and 2 extra clips making it 3 in total - its a classic - if used with care it lasts and hold up well clips and all

By DavidUSAJanuary 29, 2024 Verified Purchase

So real looking it scares me. Very well made and realistic. A well thought out copy.

Nothing...for what it is, it's magnificent.

By StevenCanadaDecember 12, 2022

It's not a submachine gun, it just looks like one.

This is one of my favorite guns. I like everything about it except...that it's not fully automatic. That's the only reason it gets 4 stars.

Make it fully auto, because it's advertised as a submachine gun.

By BrianUSAMarch 30, 2022

Looks cool.

Completely made of plastic

By RandallOctober 3, 2021

IT Looks Good

Junk,theflash hider broke off the first week,2nd co2 leak out before you even get them installed,nothing but a wall hanger

By Dakota USAAugust 3, 2021

Change your ammunition - simple mistake ! Just got my hopes up is all

Nice long , 40 rd mag , very realistic looking.

Larger clips would Be nice , as you falsely advertised , this weapons ammunition is not pellets as listed. Although they should be! Maybe it comes with a standard red dot site already attached?

By Ryan USAAugust 1, 2021

Great gun

Looks like a nice gun

Orders been processing for 2 entire days because they are closed on weekends

By JAYUSAOctober 23, 2020

It needs a SpeedLoader for the magazines; So I made one, 3D Print one that the BBs just fall into the magazine.

I think I am getting about 160-200 shots from a Umarex 12g CO2, not too bad! Is completely plastic, but looks much like real thing, right down to the weld marks on the charging/blowback tube on the MP5. Weight feels good.

I would have like it to be 'Select Fire'

By MarkUSAOctober 15, 2020

Fun to shoot 40 rounds, easy to load with simple speed loader.

Looks nice still working on getting the sights in, found the best way to seat CO2 is hold the tab twist the gun, first try half of CO2 leaked out. Twisting gun method 0 loss

Wish it had a burst mode or full auto , CO2 screw mechanism kida funky

By Wesley USASeptember 11, 2020

Nice gun. Does exactly as described. Well worth the wait.

Neat and efficient...


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Is this gun legal in germany?

asked Simon from Germany

I am in the US, check Germany's laws.

Raul from USA

I live in NYC USA. I dont know the local state laws in Germany , you should inquire with local official

Edgar from USA

I know this has been asked time and time again but is there anyway to repair the leak or is the gun just decoration now

asked Alex from Canada

Yeah i bought this and all it does is leak out the co2 gas is there a certain why you gotta intall them with this thing or did i they just send my the lemon of the bunch

asked Brad from USA

it sounds like a loose thread. check the mount for the needle that pops the co2. it looks like a really thick nickle coin. some times the repeated motion of screwing in and out co2 cartridges can loosen that thread and all you have to do is tighten it back down with a big flathead screwdriver. if that doesn't help the problem may be the needle itself. the little O-ring around that may be bad. this can be caused by a number of things but it probably needs replacing if it is bad. hopefully this helped, good luck.

Johnathan from USA

What is the legitimate range of this?

asked shimon from USA

It's a bb gun, 10 yards accuracy and probably not much more than a 50 yard range, if that.

David from USA

What is the muzzle thread size?

asked Treyvin from USA


Ryan from USA

can i use this gun without the stock or do i have to keep it on the whole time

asked michael from USA

You can detach the stock.

Mark from USA

Is there a preferred bb brand for this gun?

asked Floyd from USA

Steel, any reputable brand

Douglas from USA


Mark from USA

Is there a mock suppressor that fits this replica? I noticed some items for sale like that on the website. Thanks!

asked mike

Not on this website but the gemtech raptor II 3 lug silencer for airsoft guns works after you remove the flashhider.

John from USA

Has anyone fired soft pelts bb's ? Or is it just designed for metal bb's to be fired from.

asked Alex delgado

Just normal metal bbs.

Ryan from USA

Can it shoot full auto?

asked jack

no not currently but there are other models by different companies that shoot semi and full auto.

Keagan from USA


David from USA

Can this also fire Airsoft 6mm plastic BB's, and does this fire on full automatic?

asked Cam


Keagan from USA

Is it made out of metal or plastic?

asked Austin

Mostly plastic but it is high quality polymer, and metal internals

Ryan from USA

the gun is made of mostly plastic polymer but has many metal components.

Keagan from USA

Where at are you supposed to mount a site rail on this or a rail for other accessories?

asked Will Randolph

There's no such thing as a semi-auto sub machine gun. And this "gun" only takes a single CO2 cartridge. That sucks. For the same money you can but a Croaman 1077 and shoot pellets. Or even better a Daisy Winchester CO2 M14 pellet rifle and use twin CO2s for awesome power. Why would anyone spend there money on this bogus gun ?

asked Glenn61

I had my doubts about this because of the smooth bore. It doesn’t make sense to go through all the trouble of designing a Replica just to cheap out and not rifle the barrel!

asked Paul

does the bolt move and lock back like the real firearm?

asked mccartney from USA

Is this gun metal and plastic or is it all plastic

asked Lee from USA

Hello, does this gun have a scope rail?

asked Charles from USA

Got a rat problem st the moment at the garden, this might be the solution since the get free from the traps. I use to hunt with air pressure guns from CAMO in Portugal small Birds and stuff, if I order one do I need license? Does it comes with ammunition ?

asked Emanuel Costa

i put the co2 cartridge in it like usual and tightened the screw thing only to see that the cartridge leaked to everywhere, i had my gun on fire, would that be the problem?

asked Jay Dailey

A word to the wise , DO NOT buy this JUNK!!! If you have it over 90 days and it fails to work just put it in the garbage can because it can NOT be fixed!! The MP5 is not a repairable gun. Although you paid good money for it it NOT worth the time and money you payed for it!!

asked Mike from USA

Can the fire grip be removed?

asked Charles from USA

How is this model different from the H&K MP5 Silver Storm Model?

asked Joey

Can someone with knowledge about this answer this question because I'm also interested in the differences between the two. Thanks guys, from me and on behalf of Joey (the op) for any info you can add.

ChicagoHuntsmen4Life from USA

How do i put Co2 in the gun

asked d brownwoon

At the back end of the stock there are two pins. You push in the top pin and the stock can be fold down and insert the co2. You have to fold the stock side way to expose the turn knob to push in the co2 bottle to the pin. Go to youtube to see videos on this air gun.

Chun from USA

Is the magazine for this gun compatible with the airsoft gun mag? Can I load the magazine from airsoft gun to this and use 6 mm airsoft bbs. I want a stronger gun and this is perfect. So if I can use this gun for my airsoft mag and bbs...I'll definitely purchase this.

asked ACE

if you look into the details for this gun on this website that the magazine is not the same as the ones for air soft. That is the reason why I am disappointed with not having more magazine to purchase and have to reload every time I am out. I checked out other websites and no where so far are selling extra magazine for this bb gun. This good is pretty good for pinging, fair to look at. I am not too please with not having extra magazine.

Chun from USA

There are no CO2 tank in the magazine right? Is the magazine for this similar or same loadout as the one for an airsoft gun. How many millimeter is the inner barrel for which the BBs come out. Is it possible to use the airsoft gun magazine here and feed it. Can I get a picture of the magazine used for this please. Especially top view.

asked ACE

I wanted to buy extra magazines for this gun and not for the purpose of using it with air soft. It is for .177 cal steel bbs. The details on this gun stated that it is not compatible with the airsoft Mp5 magazine. I can't find anywhere that sells extra magazine for this gun. I am disappointed, but I still like the gun.

Chun from USA

Is there a mock suppressor that fits this gun? If NO, will a 14 mm thread for the airsoft version fit. The only one I can find is for the airsoft version.

asked Beau from USA

Do you ship to the uk and if so how much would it be?

asked Daniel

Daniel, Please contact our International Shipping Department at [email protected]. They can answer any questions you might have. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

Is the air gun made of a steel frame or plastic.

asked Reid

This air gun isn't made with a metal frame, but instead uses a durable plastic polymer which makes it light weight and still gives it a authentic look to it.

Sean from USA

how do i remove the co2 cartridge

asked ray

First, put your air gun on safe. Remove the BB magazine. Fold the stock to expose the piercing screw. Turn the screw counter clockwise. Remove the stock retaining pin (see photo 1), use a plastic punch only if necessary. Flip stock down (photo 2). Remove co2 cartridge.

Sean from USA

How to load pellets

asked bil

You can either do them one at a time ,very tedious . Or you can make a simple funnel out of a rolled up piece of paper. Just make sure the openining I'd the exact size of a single BB so they don't jam up.


Boa noite!! preciso saber como faço o pedido aqui para cep:98940-000 brasil? quanto custa? se vem com nota?obrigado!!

asked marcos

Entre em contato com o nosso Departamento de Transporte Internacional em [email protected]. Eles podem responder a quaisquer perguntas que você possa ter. Atenciosamente, A Equipe de Atendimento ao Cliente Airgun Depot

Scott from USA

My .mp5k air gun leaks co2 what do I do

asked tw

Buy the oil for the c02 !

Tommy from USA

My .mp5k air gun leaks co2 what do I do

asked tw

I've had this issue with my mp5 and a few other guns. I purchased a small bottle of crosman pellgun oil that I found on amazon. I put a drop or two on the tip of the co2 capsule than I load it into the gun, when the capsule is punctured the oil seals it. I use it on all my guns especially the mp5.

Matthew from USA

Can you put a mount anywhere other than the top? Ex. The bottom or the side

asked William

how much will it be if added a red dot sight

asked branden johnson

Branden, It all really depends on which red dot sight you purchase with it. The gun runs about 99 dollars, the red dot sights start around 12 dollars and go up. The price is all going to depend on what you decided to purchase as an accessory. Hopefully that answers your question. Sincerely, Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

do you ship items to australia?

asked nariman

Nariman, Please contact our International Shipping Department at [email protected]. They can answer any questions you might have. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

how is it? I bought it for my wife to shoot her pesky tree rats.

asked mitch

Hello, you advertise 400 fps for the H & K MP5 PDW and yet the manufacturer H & K offers 480fps! I am very interested in this gun so what do you think? Waiting for your reply

asked patrice from France

do I need an arm licence for an air rifles ?

asked xuan from Canada

Xuan, Please contact our International Shipping Department at [email protected]. They can answer any questions you might have. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

is it plastic or metal?

asked xuanjiang

It has both plastic and metal. The outside it plastic with metal innards. The plastic has an average finish and doesnt feel bad while shooting. (the plastic is alright) After a week of shooting i havent noticed anything wrong with it. The gun is ready to shoot out of the box, with minor site adjustments.

Mike from Canada

The gun is made of plastic, with metal insides. Still very sturdy and durable.

Matthew from USA

Is there any way of estimating when this item will be available?

asked Towanna from USA

Towanna, Unfortunately, when it comes to refurbished items, we are unable to really have a firm restocking date. We only get what is available at the manufacturer at the time our order ships. We have no idea what refurbished items might be coming in. Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause. Continue to follow the website for any updates. Sincerely, Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

Is it legal in Australia? And would you be able to ship it.

asked Adam Mason

Adam, Please contact our International Shipping Department at [email protected]. They can answer any questions you might have. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

will this gun actually ship to canada ? has anyone done this or do you know because I don't want to spend 100 $ to have it stopped at the border ?

asked nick

Nick, Please contact our International Shipping Department at [email protected]. They can answer any questions you might have. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

can this gun also shoot copper bbs? they are .177 caliber swell

asked dan

Yes it can, as long as its of a .177 cal steel or copper is up to you.

Matthew from USA

can this gun also shoot copper bbs? they are .177 caliber swell

asked dan

It can shoot copper bb's. I have noticed that they are a little less accurate though.

Mike from Canada

Can I put a scope on this gun?

asked Connor handly

Yes it can, but you need to get an adapter. I ordered mine from DealExtreme for about $9 and works fine. I currently use a red dot site and my shot clusters have improved greatly. I also ordered the sight from the same website (around $20-$30)

Mike from Canada

Yes you can, but only after you purchase a scope mount. They go for about 20 bucks online, Airgun depot has two different mounts that would fit this gun but they are currently out of stock. The Uk version of this Mp5 comes with a mount but unfortunately the USA version does not. Just google mp5 Airgun mount and you'll have a few options to choose from, good luck and enjoy the gun, I sure do!

Matthew from USA

Can extra mags be purchased? Thanks!

asked David

No, not for this specific MP5.

Rachel from USA

You can purchase with shipping to Italy? How many usd Shipping takes in more? Thanks a greeting.

asked Ramon

Please contact our International Shipping Department at [email protected]. They can answer any questions you might have. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

Does this have a weaver rail on it?

asked Zachary from USA

There is no rail system on this MP5 replica.

Ron from USA

No it does not, but you can easily find one online for about 20 bucks. Just google mp5 airgun mount and choose to your liking. Airgun depot currently offers two different mounts for the mp5 but are both out of stock at the moment.

Matthew from USA

No, there are no weaver/picatinny or dovetail rails on this gun. Though I have seen this gun mounter with a weaver rail that's been adapted to fit the MP5. Its actually for the real firearm version but fits this BB gun version as well.

Alex from USA

Can I mount a scope or a red dot sight on this?

asked nathan

Yes you can. I ordered a rail adapter mount from DX. You can also google mp5 bb gun rail mount, to find a site to purchase from.

Mike from Canada

I've seen on a Youtube video where a guy mounted a red dot sight for his. He had to buy a rail to mount it. I think it was a specialty rail that specifically fit the MP5. I'm sure he said it was for the firearm version as well but still worked on this gun.

Alex from USA

Can this bb gun be converted to full auto? If it legal to do so?

asked Sean

Unfortunately no it can't. It operates much in the same way as a single action co2 pistol would in that pulling the trigger manually moves the barrel forward and it springs back on the valve, acting like the hammer. So by nature, it's impossible to convert to full auto. As for the legality of full auto bb guns (not 3 or 6 round burst, but true full auto), you would have to check with your local, municipal, county, or state laws.

Alex from USA

Is this gun worth 100 dollars?

asked Devin

It's worth more than $100 in my opinion. Well made and identical to the real MP5.

Ron from USA

and second hand can sand me to india

asked Gaurav Chaturvedi

Gaurav, Please contact our International Shipping Department at [email protected]. They can answer any questions you might have. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

Hello, Iam writing to you from Switzerland I have already bought a pistol from you, now I would like to know if you will be able to order the Refurbished H&K MP5 PDW BB Gun- Semi Auto price 64.99 let me know. You can contact me at this email: [email protected]

asked Antonella

Antonella, Please contact our International Shipping Department at [email protected]. They will be able to answer all of your questions. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA

Is the charging handle strong enough to "hk slap" safely?

asked Jack

I have been on a airsoft gun hunt for the past couple days now. I found the mp5 refurbished. I was just wondering what the quality of it is like? I've read the comments and seen a pretty good bit of parts breaking like the blowback and the Co2 leaking. Just trying to make sure these guns are in good condition. Don't wanna spend 80 for gun+s&h and have it break on me.

asked Travis W.

Refurbished guns may not have the original boxes, but from my experiences they seem to be equal to new purchases I have made. Good hunting.

Daniel from USA

I bought this for my son last Christmas. He has not had any problems at all with it.

Audrie from USA

Seeing as this is not an airsoft gun, it would not be allowed on most fields. But with BBs, it works quite well and is surprisingly accurate. Also, if you use pelligun oil or whatever it's called, the CO2 O-Ring lasts longer and prevents leaking. Yeah. Don't shoot a human with this.

Daniel from USA

Is it fully metal?

asked Bob

Nope, it's partially metal / plastic. But as is the real MP5.

Pål Madland from Norway

No, the only metal on this gun is the barrel, trigger, and internal mechanisms. The body is fully plastic.

Alex from USA

how much does it cost in malaysia price ?

asked Allen

Try checking out at the sight and if there is a restriction you will get a warning before you purchase the product. There are a lot of different regulations for all different countries and they are always changing, so we have set up an automatic warring if there is a product, based on your location, that is forbidden. Shipping price always changes, but you should be able to see the final price before you complete your purchase.

Scott from USA

How many times can you shoot before having to change out the Co2?

asked Brandon

Well it varies, depending on how full u fill the clip and if you are shooting consecutive clips in a row or letting a CO2 sit after a couple clips. The Banana Clip hold approx. 40 steel .177 bbs, typically I can fire 3 to 4 clips on one CO2 cartridge. Since it doesn't have any other moving parts that the CO2 powers, like blowback, it seems to last longer. Now it won't be as powerful as the first few clips but it will still fire after the forth clip. So, I'd say between 160 to 200 rounds before you need to change the CO2, I am very happy with this gun and it has helped me in hunting small game like the opossums I have in my backyard threatening my dogs. I would recommend this gun!!

Matthew from USA

About 60-70 times. The first two mags are good, but you can feel the power of the Co2 decreasing by the 60th shot.

Alex from USA

Is this mp5 gun very powerful? I am a hunter, will this gun kill animals like rats or rabbits? I also want to use this gun as a personal defense weapon, can this gun case a human serious injury? Will this gun (BB) penetrate human skin?

asked valentino

1. Powerful is subjective. So depends what you are comparing it to, but the specs are there. 177 steel balls at 4xx day. 2. It will definitely NOT kill rabbits, perhaps kill rats if you can get a earshot thought.quite unlikely, so don't do it every hunter know you should not make the prey suffer. 3. Never use fake guns, for example toy gun pellet gun BB gun as personal defense. You will be in serious danger because it might get your opponent to think about using his real gun against you and or your family. 4. Never tried it and will not try, I guess it is powerful brought to penetrate thin skin people but barely and you'd have to shoot very close.

Tao from USA

where is the location

asked san

We are located in Utah.

Scott from USA

Will the refurbished BB gun come in the same box as a new one?

asked Audrie from USA

This item comes in a new plain brown box.

Scott from USA

What laser sight will fit the MP5?

asked Brian

It doesn't have a Weaver mounting system, so you'd have to buy a tactical scope combo to get a lazer on this..

Jake from USA

Is this gun full-auto?

asked Mark from USA

Semi Auto

Scott from USA

Can you put a red dot optic on this BB gun?

asked David

This item is not scopeable "Scopeable: No"

Scott from USA

Does this gun have a lot of kickback for a 12 year old? Also is it very loud?

asked Preston

No, not at all. I had my two godsons using mine at the cottage. They are 9 and 1. As for the noise, very little. You won't need hearing protection.


any licence

asked santhosh

Try checking out at the sight and if there is a restriction you will get a warning before you purchase the product. There are a lot of different regulations for all different countries and they are always changing, so we have set up an automatic warring if there is a product, based on your location, that is forbidden. Shipping price always changes, but you should be able to see the final price before you complete your purchase.

Scott from USA

How powerful is this? With pellet break barrel riffles I like to tape a target to a plywood board, either 1/2 or 3/4 inch board. Depending on the riffle, the pellet will either penetrate and not go through or penetrate the board and go through. With this MP5 can it penetrate a plywood board whether or not it goes through or gets stuck in the board or will the BBs bounce off?

asked James G

This gun probably wouldn't penetrate 1/2' boards, its only shooting 400fps or so. you'd need to be shooting more around 1000fps to break through a board that thick, and you'd need to be using pellets, not bb's.

Jake from USA

If I shoot a scorpion will it kill it? How strong is this rifle? Does this have laser dot? If not where could I buy one? I need it to use it at night for killing scorpions.

asked harry

Yes, it probably could kill a scorpion. No, it doesn't come with a laser sight and you could buy a sight on this website.

will parker

How much for another banana clip that works on this gun? And where would I get one?

asked paul

Does ANYONE know where I might be able to purchase extra magazines for this gun?

asked Christian McLaughlin

You can buy direct from Umarex. Cost= $14.95 + $6.50 shipping.


Is there a compressor attachment for this?

asked Jared Fragd

We do not have a compensator that will fit this gun.

Scott from USA

How does it perform short & long range

asked CHRIS from USA

Short range is very effective. This gun could be accurate as long as you are using the right BB's and the wind isn't to bad.

Scott from USA

Will .177 cal pellets work as well as bb's?

asked Owen

this is BB only. you cant use pellets

Robert from USA

What kind of bbs are best for this gun?

asked CaliKush

It shoots .177 steel BB's.

Scott from USA

can it shoot plastic as well as steel bbs?

asked kyle from

Kyle, No, the H&K MP5 PDW BB Gun can only fire steel bbs. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Steve from USA

Is this a bad Gun to buy if you're a Lefty?

asked Ryan

If you're a lefty, I don't think so.

Mark from USA

Where do I get aditional mags and ammo? What kind of ammo (caliber, plastic/metal)?

asked abe

Abe, You can order additional mags/ammo from our website. The H&K MP5 PDW BB Gun fires steel bbs. Let me know if you have any further questions. Sincerely, The AirGun Depot Customer Care Team

Steve from USA

hi there is any licence need to buy this gun or just pay monay to have this

asked deep

Thank you for you interest. For questions about international ordering/shipping please email us at [email protected]. This so we can better help you. The need for licenses and permits are determined by you local city officials. You will need to check with your city to know if you will need any permits, though in most cases no permit is needed.

Steve from USA

Thank you for you interest. For questions about international ordering/shipping please email us at [email protected]. This so we can better help you. The need for licenses and permits are determined by you local city officials. You will need to check with your city to know if you will need any permits, though in most cases no permit is needed.

Steve from USA

Can the blow back option be turned off for more power?

asked gene from USA

blowback is a feature and can't be turned off

Robert from USA

How many shots will I get from one Co2 powerlet?

asked gene from USA

approx 3 mags

Robert from USA

is there any red scope for this gun?

asked david

I am sorry but we do not carry any other optics for this gun.

Scott from USA

what is the accuracy for about 10 yrds will it it a can

asked zach from USA

you could hit a can at 10 yards without much difficulty.

Scott from USA

Where can I get extra magazines from?

asked Byron from USA

We do not carry them, I would recommend checking with the manufacturer, Umarex.

Steve from USA

Is there a full automatic or atleast burst fire that can be incorporated?

asked Brandon

No single shot only.

Steve from USA

What the risk of it breaking down or having a fault in it? I live in NZ so if it breaks I pretty much just threw away $72.52 NZD. And does it come in its box ?

asked Guy

Thank you for you interest. For questions about international ordering/shipping please email us at [email protected]. This so we can better help you.

Steve from USA

what is the upper receiver made of?

asked phili


Steve from USA

Can a scope be mounted? If so, any reccomendations?

asked Russ from USA

There is an adapter for this type of rifle but we don't carry it.

Steve from USA

does the gun also shoot plastic BBs?

asked Nigel


Steve from USA

How long does the Co2 last? How many mags did you use before it ran out of Co2?

asked Ant

about three good mags,and than its done bb roll out the end . about thats not saying anything bad about it, 3 mags that 120 bb of pure fun !!!


three mags before it lost velocity

Carmelo from USA

You are able to shoot three mafs per powerlet co2.

Thomas from USA

Mine usually lasts about 3 full mags which isn't bad but if I'm lucky it may be 4-5.

Darryl from USA


asked joel from USA

I think so.


is it strong enought to kill a bird or squirel?

asked Lawyer

No, use something at least 800fps in .177.



asked jack

We do not carry them at this time

Steve from USA

Hello, i am wondering if this is a good bb gun to get, are there any problems with yours, what are the Pros and Cons?

asked cameron mercado

I love this BB gun and have made several models, including the wrap around top claw type mount, meant for the MP5 -K PDW. I have a dot scope, flashlight, and modified a CO2 powerlet with a fitting to connect to my other bulk air to the gun. The regulator for the bulk system is 430 FPS, but has not harmed the gun after approximation of 3500 shots. It's still working great, mag and all. The only problem I encountered was the blow function jammed up with it's own seal. Apparently the seal stuck so I opened it up and used a neoprene washer and modified it to solve the problem.

gene from USA

Overall, the gun is an awesome deal. Very realistic looking and my boy loved it. Refurbished means any surprises have already been fixed. Pros include 40 shots as fast as you can pull the trigger, very accurate with little adjustment neeed and decent CO2 cartridge life. Cons: Slow loading (individual bb's), CO2 placement takes some time as you have to remove the stock. Overall: Great deal considering some other guns are also single shot as well and you can load this more rapidly if you place a bunch of bb's in a small plastic container, invert the magazine and load them by pressing the magazine down on individual bb's (about one minute for 40).

John from USA

Great gun, don't think twice bout getting it, I have gone through 300 rounds already and have yet to have a single issue with it. Shoots great, it is easy get set up, and it is very reliable! Hope you find this information helpful,

Piero A Rossi

Well the only thing that I can think of being a problem is the potential of losing a piece from it and not being able to buy it again. As for me, I have a gun bag that I also bought from here that I keep all my guns in. I'm afraid I might lose the magazine and then I won't be able to buy another one to replace it so I suggest buying a few extras if they ever come your way. As far as it being a refurbished product, it handles and functions exceptionally. I only wish the H&K was made more from metal but the plastic is a pretty close resemblance to the real thing. Avoid police sir, thy may think its real since it doesn't have any markings labeling it as CO3 gun

Efrain from USA

Hello, I just purchased this BB Gun and it absolutely amazed me. For 64.99, this gun has a lot of metal on it more than i expected and it worked great. I had a problem at first getting the CO2 cartridge in; however, i figured it out and it performs perfectly and looks BRAND NEW.

Daniel from USA

In my opinion this is a really great bb gun to own , So far have had no problems! Pros: A great bb gun! cons: inserting the c02 is a bit complex.


In my opinion this gun is awesome I really like the overall look and feel to it plus the power it has. I'd say the pros are- realistic looking comparing to the real gun, accurate, easy to load, good weight, good fps, powerful and very user friendly. There's not very many cons at all but if I had to give one I guess I wish the co2 wouldn't ever run out but thats the case with any co2 powered guns haha - no cons I can think of : )

chris from USA

Can you get this gun with a retractable but stock instead of a folding one?

asked Doud Dove

No there is only one version of this airgun. Thanks

Scott from USA

does ammo and co2 come with this?

asked mike from USA

Nope, you'll have to buy that stuff.


No, you are on your own with CO2 and BB's for this gun.

Daniel from USA

Is it possible to mount a rail on this gun

asked Laurette from USA

Yes it is ive seen it done look on youtube for it and i think they have the rail mount on this site


It is possible, it mounts on top and converts it to weaver rail.

Steve from USA



Does the refurbished one have a magazine? and does it still work the same as a new one

asked Alex

so its worthless too


Yes, it comes with a mag. and is almost identical to a new one, but the refurbished on had something wrong with it at one time, but the manufacturer fixed it.


yes, it comes with a magazine and it works almost the same as a new one

michael from USA

were i can find a extra magazine for this gun?

asked quintero from USA

Currently extra mags are not made for this gun. We have put in a request with the manufacturer for this and hopefully they will start making them. Thanks

Scott from USA
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