Legends M712 Pistol Features
- Uses a 12-gram CO2 cartridge
- Full-/semi-auto
- Blowback*
- 18rd removable BB magazine
- Manual safety
- Fixed front sight
- Elevation-adjustable rear sight
- Plastic grips
- Single-action
- Full metal
*The blowback on the M712 CO2 pistol functions the same as it does on the firearm. There's no slide. The only thing that moves is the bolt. The purpose of the bolt's movement is to cock the hammer (because this is a single-action pistol).
- Manufacturer Legends
- Caliber .177
- Velocity 360 fps
- Condition New
- Ammo Type BBs
- Action Semiautomatic/Full-auto
- Barrel Style Smooth bore
- Fire Mode Repeater
- Gun Weight 3.10
- Overall Length 12.00
- Barrel Length 5.50
- Loudness 4-Medium-High
- Magazine Capacity 0
- Mechanism CO2
- Rail No
- Safety Manual
- Front Sights Blade
- Rear Sights Adjustable for elevation
- Shots per Fill 0
- Trigger Adjustability 0
- Trigger Action Single-Action
- Use Plinking/Fun
- Warranty 90-day limited warranty
I agree with everyone saying this pistol is wild, love it, I collect WW! and @ weapon, like he said, I found wooden hostel for BroomHandle, only problem is it made for real one but the gas one won't goes all the way in, the button selected switch from semi to full stop it going in, I going have to file inside but did find a leather hostel for it, also I love is the wooden have slide to pistol as a stock. I use it as home defend, if someone break in my house, I shoot full auto in their legs, they think they walk into a hornet's nest. Don't want use real gun, hate to clean up blood and skin parts.
rate of fire, it impressed everyone I show it to. They say they must get one.
nothing much, only load the magazine
buy it lots of fun
well made
no hole for stock latch but an easy fix with a drill my stock now locks .
I collected WW1/WW2 weaps, for decades. I never found a "Broomhandle" that I felt was in the condition that made the price tag viable. This was like finding one of my "Holy Grails", as it feels exactly like the real thing! I had a blast with this lil thing. I am now hooked on the "Legend Series", and will probably buy them all. I highly recommend this lil dumplin', but, be ready to buy A LOT of cartridges, If you don't buy them by the big box, don't bother. I use about a cartridge, per magazine, even tho the mag will actually hold 21 BB's. I predict that the cartridge manufacturer's will LOVE ME! I blew thru 3, within 20 minutes of receiving mine. VERY fun lil pistol!
Beautiful! Just like the original. I am hunting for a shoulder stock/holster, as was issued with the original.
I would love to see the at a lower cost, BUT!, I realize that it is a well-machined, integral part of this things action. It is what it is.
Definitely has the look of a C96, for those of us who can't buy the real thing.
But, $50 for a single spare magazine ?????
That is almost half the price of a new gun.
Treats you too pistol but for the price I expected a little more.
Very fast rounds per second.
Very heavy, awkward to hold.
get extra mags, 1 Co2 per mag and after bbs are gone the gun empties out the Co2 so reload bbs and reload Co2. check your item upon receipt to make sure it works ect before warranty runs out and then you can go ahead and put it away or display it.
awesome replica! i recommend. shots great, works well.
jamms do happen just correct it and keep going, its only a bb gun and with automatic dont be surprised.
Looks cool
Bought two of these and gave one to a friend. Very hard to load and worked about 10 percent of the time. Mine leaked air until it was empty. My friend gave up the first five cylinders of air. Looks cool but extremely unreliable.
High recommend
Shoots great. No problems. Very accurate
Login to ask someone who bought this product.have any updates on this gun fixed any of the early issues, like the barrel or magazines
asked Dale from USAmanual
asked thomas from USAIs this for Airsoft?
asked Clayton from USAdo you sell the wood stock for this
asked gene from USAno
Val from USAcan you put a stock on this kinda like the one that was a holster/stock?
asked gene from USAI've found that using Pelloil on the tip of each CO2 cartridge will almost end the leak issue. It keeps the seal lubricated and if you put a drop on the base of each CO2 cartridge it helps with the ease of the process.
asked Timothy from USAIs this gun a full automatic from your distribution center? Or something like that uzi I purchase for my nephew, it doesn’t even sooot a single round, just lets all the air be expelled from the co2, Again and aging, I am not angry with y’all, I am very happy with everything else I have ordered. from arrgundepot , just wish I could be privey to wish one like the unimax still storm, that’s so much fun I a I ordered a second one,
asked William from USAanyone chronographed it? should I buy the umarex of kwc? thank you
asked adrien from USAIs there a wooden holster / shoulder stock out there that will fit this gun?
asked Ron from USAyes , one that is use as a shoulder stock and one in leather the links the stock https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33053196008.html?spm=a2g0s.12269583.0.0.44966cb4RNrwuZ the leather https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33059165152.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.0.0.38004d37Vejsyu&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreThisSeller&scm=1007.13339.169870.0&scm_id=1007.13339.169870.0&scm-url=1007.13339.169870.0&pvid=8824aba2-5b8e-4e57-8335-c47a757fe1f0&_t=gps-id:pcDetailBottomMoreThisSeller,scm-url:1007.13339.169870.0,pvid:8824aba2-5b8e-4e57-8335-c47a757fe1f0,tpp_buckets:668%230%23131923%2352_668%23888%233325%2319_668%232846%238110%231995_668%232717%237560%23254_668%231000022185%231000066059%230_668%233468%2315615%23664
steve from CanadaDoes it have a slot on the back of the grip for a shoulder stock to slide into it. I realize there isn�€™t a BB gun version of the stock being sold but i know you can find reproductions. Just curious if I bought this if it would be worth getting a repo holster/stock
asked Sam
im not a review type of person, if i do review it will be after i have used it for a while. very hard to load, the mag should be re-designed. fun to shoot
cool look and feel.
pain to load and goes thru co2 fast.