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Skenco UltraMag Metal Tip .25 Cal, 28.60 gr - 50 ct

  • Code: PY-P-856 · .25 · 28.6 grains · 50 ct
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These Skenco UltraMag Metal Tip pellets will deliver an authoritative knockdown blow to pests and will deliver tremendous knockdown-power!
  • Caliber: .25
  • Grain: 28.6
  • Quantity: 50
  • Nose: Pointed
  • Use: Hunting and Pest Control
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  • ManufacturerSkenco
  • Caliber .25
  • Ammo Type Pellets
  • Ammo Weight 28.6 grains
  • Pellet Shape Wadcutter
  • Pellet Quantity 50 ct
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By WilliamUSAOctober 24, 2019

I would not recommend pellets for hurting just fun. Metal tips fell out of some pellets the pellets that stayed together worked good thay do hit hard

Metal tips loose on pellets.

By NickUSAApril 11, 2019

Love this one. Accurate devastating if placed well you would be surprised at what this will drop. I wish that made them in .30 too.

Accurate and Great for hunting with a price well worth it.

None in this size I only wish it was in more sizes.

By PeteUSASeptember 22, 2017

Good Shooter , Well Made ,Great Price

Great Price

By RobertUSASeptember 20, 2017

A more accurate pellet

By MichaelUSAJune 22, 2017

Just tested them today 6/22 / 2017 With my AirForce Escape on full power @ 75 yards penetration was more than I was
expecting on a 2x6 piece of hardwood. It went in 1/4 to 5/16 deep I would call that good in my book. At that yardage
should not be a problem on medium size game coyote, bobcat, or even feral hogs.

With the .25 cal UltraMag you really don't need a big bore to get the job done. Place the round just right and you will get one shot one kill. The metal tip stayed in with a nice mushroom on impact .


By VerdellUSANovember 2, 2015

This is a very accurate pellet with allot of knockdown power.This is a great hunting pellet. They fit good in my Benjamin but not in my Hatsan At44-10S. They are too long for the magazine.

Accurate and great knockdown pellet, good hunting pellet

Won't fit the Hatsan AT44-10S

By AndrzejMay 1, 2015

These were/are my favourite Hunting round for all of my .22 "Springers"(especially in my Performance tuned "Cometa Fusion Premier" @ 32ft/lbs), I was extremely dissapointed that when I purchased my 2 Hatsan AT-44 series PcP's(a .22 AT-44 Pump/Action, and an AT-44"tact"10-22) that these pellets were/are too long for the "Shallow" AT-44 series magazines,, But I recently purchased an AT-44 .25(single-shot/synthetic stock), and to my "Delight" found that all of my favourite "Hunting" ammo, Now fit this guns single-shot loading port, Such as my 2 favourite Hunting rounds(Skenco "Metal-Tipped" UltraMags & H&N "CrowMags w/ a Daisy BB glued into the Cavity, Comes out @ 32gr,.). The Skenco "UltraMags" put "Predator PolyMags/MetalMags" in the trash when compared to the Much Superior Skenco product, especially when Distance, and Accuracy are a must!!!. 2 week's ago I went out to check out my "New* Hatsan AT-44 .25/ w/ "FX" No-Limit rings, and Hawke 3-9X40 Sport HD Rimfire I.R., I brought along 4-5 different pellets to see how they did at distances over 100 meters, and was extremely Lucky enough to see a GroundHog out at around 85 meters, I had previously set my scope up @ 100 meters, After I got the animal in my sights, 1 shot w/ the Skenco "UltraMag" went straight through the groundhog's dome,,Exactly where I was aiming. All I know,,,,Is that next time I go out Hunting, I'm going to have a hell of time choosing what to bring out with me,,,,LoL!!!!! (Also, IYou may happen to encounter a round minus it's tip, Don't get "pissed-off", B/Cuz you now have a "Hollow-Point" that'll put a CrowMag to shame, or you can turn it into your own "Gamo Rocket" just by adding a small drop of "Krazy Glue" to the center cavity, and drop in a "Zinc" bb,,It centers itself perfectly, and after 5 minutes they're virtually in-separable. It flies like a "spiral" thrown by "Joe Namath", after Inspection, the mushrooming is fantastic w/ the bb almost getting pushed out the back of the round!!!!!!!! Cheer's, and Happy Huntin', Andy.

Being able to use these rounds in my AT-44 .25(single-shot/synthetic stock).

Quality Control, seems to have dropped a notch with these rounds in .25, as opposed to the .22 offering, But still an Extremely Hard-Hitting & Accurate round. I would think twice about using these rounds in a gun(Springer) that doesn't have to "Balls" to shoot this round properly,,,,,,,You don't want to start "lobbing" these rounds at your target, and getting angry at it's performance,,,, Your weapon Must!! have a decent level of power output at least 25ft/lbs,,,It'll leave you with a grin from ear to ear.

By DerekUSAApril 6, 2015

Bad pellet at least for hatsan torpedo .25 caliber. Falls straight through barrel from breech to muzzle. Fired one before I caught on to it not seating in breech. It was so loose that once fired, It came back and impacted bench next to my knee from 25 yards away.

Nothing worth mentioning.

Everything you don't want to happen.

By KirstenUSANovember 27, 2014

They shot straight and they came in with no damaged pellets

Good weight and accurate! an all around good pellet

A little pricey and they should give you more per container

By FrankUSASeptember 1, 2014

First, let me start by saying that I haven't done my own very specific penetration/accuracy tests as of yet. But, I've done a bunch of plinking just to have fun, and to site in my scope to keep my rifle ready...just in case! During those joyful times of plinking, I've discovered this about these pellets: They will hit what I'm aiming at, if not in the eye, then at least in the head (of a squirrel) from 25 yards consistently, and they are the deepest penetrators of the 8 brands/types of pellets I've used so far. These brands include Benji Domed, both Eunjins, H&N FT and Crows, that other popular crow, which I'm not impressed with, etc. These blew clean holes through 1/2" cedar fencing, and into a 2x4 about a half inch or more! And, that's not up to full power yet! (My last Chrony test was only at 650, so take that into consideration.)Yeah, I really like these pellets!! I'd buy a couple more tins tonight....if they were only in stock! >:o( Also, notice the metal point on top, it's not a BB. It's a small rod maybe 1/4" in length. I found that intriguing because I wondered if that maybe stabilizes the projectile a bit more than a ball bearing, seeing as how the weight is distributed down the shaft, rather than having it all be on the tip. But yeah, I REALLY like these pellets! Thanks!~F~



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LENGTH of pellets? Hate to order only to find out they won't fit in my FX Royale 500 magazines.

asked Gerry from USA

Will this pellet work on Hatsan Barrage semi-auto air rifle?

asked Jen-Yen from USA

will these fit in a wildcat compact mag?, and if so what results has anyone had ?

asked Eylton Observer

Will these fit a Benjamin Armada mag?

asked Scott
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