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Umarex Legends MP40 Magazine

Only $49.99
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Extra 52 round replica clip for Legends MP40. Do not use with Smart Shot BB's as it will cause the airgun to jam. For best results, do not fill more than 40-45 BB's at a time. Overfilling can cause jams.

  • Legends MP40 CO2 BB submachine gun magazine
  • Holds 52, .177 caliber BB's
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  • ManufacturerUmarex
  • Condition New
  • Accessories Type Magazine, Clips & Reloaders
  • Warranty 30-day limited warranty
  • Caliber .177
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4.022 Reviews
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By MichaelUSADecember 30, 2021

YouTube is a big help in figuring the loading process out. Magazine does have a locking slot that works and is easy to use. Read the owners manual for help on the whole process, it does help. And I put a drop of the RWS oil on both ports or holes at the top of the magazine to aid in a smooth exit of the BB's, as well as a drop on the spring. So far I can burn through a fully loaded magazine with zero issues. Don't over use the oil, just a tiny bit will make a big difference. I do only use Umarex BB's. As much as I did not like spending nearly $50 bucks, an extra magazine is a must if you shoot as much as I do.

Sturdy, metal made to last magazine. Balances the gun nicely and is easy to load once you figure out how. Holds 52 BB's for an extended shooting period.

Too expensive! Does take a bit to figure out how to efficiently load it. Make the print and photos in owner's manual larger!

By KimUSASeptember 8, 2021

I see guys are having trouble with jamming I use a teflon-coated BB's and I haven't had a jam yet I also run a CO2 filled with lubricant every thousand rounds and loading it if you get the plunger type Speed Loader and if you get on YouTube a guy makes a little clip out of a coat hanger to hold the spring down very simple I can load a MAG in about 10 seconds

Love it quality workmanship was just like the real thing it's a real gas to shoot

Make the mags cheaper so I could buy more than one I would have given it 5 stars but because of the price I only gave it 4

By JeradJune 16, 2021

I wanted to like this I mean I spent $250 but it’s completely trash paperweight just jams constantly no matter what bb’s you use the co2’s won’t piece correctly you might occasionally get off 5 6 7 shots in a row but that’s the most this gun sucks and so does umarex m1a1 that’s the truth

It looks cool it’s all metal and when it actually works (which is rare) it’s cool

Well it won’t fire 99% or the time so I guess that’s not ideal for a $250

By DennisUSAFebruary 26, 2021

Looks like the a real MP40 and sights are fine, can nail cans at 20 yards. A .little hard to load

Hard to load. But I like it in short bursts. Found it better to load by folding thin cardboard taping one end, tilting the mag a little and poring the BBs into the mag. It is fun to shoot.

By MichaelOctober 12, 2019

Every clip I have gotten for this MP40 jams immediately. The spring system is designed quite weakly, not forcing the BBs to the top. Clip didn’t work (they’ve sent me two) therefore the airgun doesn’t work.

By JamesonUSASeptember 22, 2019

I did have to spray Si lube into the mag to get better feeding after one issue on my second of many reloads and, per issues other reviewers have noted, made sure that the BBs stacked properly. Wasn't overly difficult and I don't find it hard to hold back the spring when loading, so no big deal for me.

A really useful suggestion I saw was to put two dimes between the CO2's to make it easier to pierce both. My first mag only did one, apparently, and petered out after about 2 1/2 magazines (roughly 125 shots). Next couple loads worked great and got me ~250 shots, 5 full loads, firing almost entirely full auto.

Got an extra to give me a spare. Happy I did, but my target options/shooting areas are limited enough, 2 total mags is more than enough for me. If I was able to go more full spray'n'pray, I might want additional.

Helps you pretend you're in Where Eagles Dare or Inglorious Basterds.

Does require deliberate loading, but doesn't really bother me so far.

By DarrellUSAApril 5, 2019

Extra mag's very helpful to keep you plinking works great once sprayed with a dry spray silicone

52 extra shots at hand

Follower a little bit sticky out of the package. No hold down notch for follower for loading ease.

By FrederickUSAMarch 6, 2019

Ok guys-it seems like a lot of money, but you need at least one extra. I found a way to load it reliably without using toothpicks to get the BBs to double stack. Point the magazine down just below the horizontal-not straight down while holding the spring tab back. Drop in a BB. It is all in the wrist left to right and so on. Allow the BB to roll down the track using your wrist to slightly move (incline) to the left or right as the BBs stack. Works well and is quick with practice. Someone mentioned putting a penny between the CO2 cartridges to ensure both are punctured when using the Allen wrench. That solved my problem of the bottom cartridge not getting perforated. I load 35-40 rounds (remember the original holds 32) and I have only had a jam when I am running out of gas. I get a good four to five mags for two CO2s and only shoot in five or six round bursts, but knock the hell out of water bottles at 15 yds and just use the front sight and never the folding stock. If you are going to use the rear sight pop up the long range one. Paint the water bottles brown and stick wooden kabob skewers in the ground and put your Soviet water bottles over those sticks. If you are good enough you can send them flying. Buy a repop sling and you are golden. Keep the gun well lubricated. I am lucky that I have access to real MP-40s-they go for around 25 grand so take the hit and buy a 42 dollar mag!! Use short bursts or you are wasting lead/BBs-real or Umarex Legend. But what the hell-it's a BB gun so just have fun!

By KevinUSADecember 27, 2018

Would rather be able to just get the rubber grommet to replace the one that went bad instead of having to buy a whole new magazine. Love shooting the mp40, it is a real BLAST.

By JonUSAOctober 26, 2018

Although these aren't cheap, you'll want at least one extra mag. They're sturdy and easier to load than you would think based on the other reviews. Tip- you don't need a speedloader to load this puppy. Easy to do with a bb bottle tip and using a fingernail to hold the slide open.

It's good to have at least one extra mag

a little expensive, but get what you pay for I guess

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the one question I have about this magazine is it compatible with the M1a1 Thompson Mag?

asked Gianni from USA

I have bought a mp40 gun and was thinking of buying another mag but I want to get a ammo pouch too, is there a cheap ammo pouch u guys have for sale and does the mp40 bb gun mags fit into off brand pouches?

asked ItsVince06
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