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Airgun Darts

Can You Get the Highest Score?
Put down the tongs and leave cornhole in the garage, challenge your friends to Airgun Darts!
Here's how you can participate:
Step 1 Order a Dartboard Get a dartboard free with a order using coupon code "GOTDARTS" at checkout.
Step 2 Shoot & Record Take your shot with an air pistol & record it using a smart phone. (tips)
Step 3 Upload Video Coming soon!
Name State Points
John B. CA 280
Donnie R. PA 241
Chris T. MI 240
John B. CA 240
Percy M. ME 219
Don V. TX 206
Chris T. MI 202
John B. CA 200
Michael T. UT 200
Ethan H. UT 183
Instructions & Tips
  1. Order a Paper Dart Board and Darts. These are just $2.99 or free with any purchase by using coupon code "GOTDARTS" (limit one per order).
  2. Place the dartboard (paper or deluxe) at 5 yards (15 feet).
  3. Set up Camera with both dartboard and shooter visible.
  4. Introduce yourself (name, location).
  5. Record all six shots with an air pistol (or a pistol in carbine form) in one take (no cuts or stops in recording) in 3 minutes or less. Time begins from the first shot fired.
  6. Submit your video and details.
  7. Once the video is reviewed and verified, you will receive a confirmation email. Your name and video may be added to the Leaderboard and/or uploaded to our YouTube channel!

  1. If you are technology inept get a child or grandchild to help!
  2. You really don't need fancy recording equipment. Use your cell phone to record video, most modern cell phones have decent video quality.
  3. Keep it simple and have fun. Challenge a buddy or friend!
