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Diana RWS 34

Superior quality German airgun made by Diana
  • Code: 216-6165R · .22 · 800 fps
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The most popular rifle sold by RWS, this German rifle will keep you shooting accurately and powerfully for decades. While it doesn't have some of the frills that more expensive guns have, it goes head-to-head where it really counts! The well-balanced hardwood stock makes it easy to hold and shoot the RWS 34. Quality is evident in other places- too: a two-stage adjustable trigger, fiber optic sights (fully adj. rear) and a finely rifled barrel. No need to worry about cocking difficulty as that's where this rifle really shines (just 33 lbs.- although our own tests showed just 30 lbs.). Both calibers are ideal for plinking, paper targets and spinners. Like to hunt? The .22 cal. should be your choice for small game and pests. If you're a serious airgunner on a budget, the RWS 34 was made for you!

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  • Manufacturer Diana
  • Caliber .22
  • Velocity 800 fps
  • Condition Refurbished
  • Ammo Type Pellets
  • Action Break barrel
  • Barrel Style Rifled
  • Fire Mode Single-shot
  • Gun Weight 7.50
  • Overall Length 45.00
  • Barrel Length 19.00
  • Loudness 3-Medium
  • Magazine Capacity 0
  • Mechanism Spring-piston
  • Rail 11mm dovetail
  • Safety Automatic
  • Front Sights Fiber Optic
  • Rear Sights Adjustable for windage & elevation
  • Shots per Fill 0
  • Trigger Adjustability Two-stage adjustable
  • Trigger Action 0
  • Use Small game hunting/plinking
  • Warranty 2-year limited warranty
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By howard r.

the standed in airguns,all others take back seat

By howard r.

excellent airgun. rws best seller

By Will PennDecember 28, 2023

I expected a very nice shooting gun, but this exceeded all expectations. The Wood is very nice with a perfect finish. The fit and finish of everything is superb. Cocking it is smooth and once again the quality is apparent. If you are serious about shooting air rifles this is an excellent gun for anyone that wants to move up to a super high quality air rifle that is incredibly accurate and beautifully built. It has the heft of a similar firearm in every way. Well worth the price.

Absolutely incredible! The quality is excellent +

Zero problems Zero complaints

By GlennUSADecember 13, 2021

Overall, even with the minor issues, this is the best pellet rifle I've ever owned. I feel confident that I can hit what I'm aiming at. I can keep a target moving and hit it repeatedly, at 50 yards shooting from a rest. Very accurate, very fun to use, even with the recent cocking problem, I love the rifle. I highly recommend this rifle.

Well made rifle, solid, excellent blue, good finish on the hard wood stock. Sighted it in with the open sights, really accurate. Have a target at 50 yds with hanging golf balls. Able to hit one ball after another with the open sights. Added a scope, able to hit 1" plastic eye drop bottles at 75 yds. At 50 yds can get get 1" groups. Most consistent break barrel .22 I've had, including Beeman, Benjamin, Gamo, Ruger. It hits consistently most every time, occassionally have to regroup, but not like the previous listed guns.

The base plate is plastic and slippery, a rubber plate would prevent slippage. The screws at the trigger guard and fore-end become loose after each shoot, this has to be watched. The safety, that will not allow you to choose not to shoot the round and go back to 'safe'. I have shot around 5,000 rounds, and two days ago I was unable to cock the rifle. Will contact customer service for help with this.

By Susan Swallows November 9, 2021

There I was, stranded in the Pacific Ocean, just me, and my raft and my trusty Diana 34 Refurb/returned. Suddenly, a great white shark appeared, and began circling my raft. Using an RWS Super magnum 300 grain hollow based, mercy tipped diablo maximum penetration tipped killer expando-commando pellet, I delivered a kill shot.


Double taps sometimes

By WilliamUSAApril 9, 2021

Why would they do that to us? We don't harm the chipmunks yards...

Beautiful Rifle, accurate and balances well. Best air rifle ever made, PERIOD!

Chipmunks are now toting mini RWS 34's and murdering humans!

By SkipUSAAugust 28, 2020

20 to 40 yard shots with my mil dot UTG scope mounted, and any random ranges in between that do not reqiire a different aim point. This rifle (.177) shoots flat at these ranges. Most of my informal lightly supported offhand shooting is producing dime to nickel size groups and that's more than good enough for "minute of varmint angle" accuracy.

Great rifle and great value
AIRGUN DEPOT was right on time with shipping and order handling.
If you want a quality break barrel spring piston rifle the Diana 34 is the one to get for a quality piece and very accurate practical plinker and small game/varmint/pest control rifle. You will be well pleased.
Thank you.

Always have admired the Diana 34 and finally got one. I am not disappointed one bit in the quality of fit, finish, ease of use and practical shootability. My preferred pellet so far is 7.9 grain round nose hollow point premier. The average of a 20 shot chronographed string is 936.3 fps with 15.37 fpe. I installed a UTG 3x9x32 with the included rings directly onto the Diana mount base. One inch target dots set at 20, 25, 30, and 40 yards are not much of a challenge to keep every shot on that one inch circle and that's just shooting with minimal hand support. I plan to get a shooting bench set up and use some cushions for better support to see just how tight the groups will be. The T06 trigger is excellent just as it came.

The sights are good and easy to see and use even for my 61 year old eyes that do have problems but the sights are the only important item on this rifle made from plastic and mine have a lot of loose motion and move around making for larger groups if you plan to use them exclusively. They should be of tighter tolerances. Even though the shipping container was double boxed and sturdy, my rifle took a nose dive somewhere along the way and the rifle barrel punched thru the plastic bag it is placed inside of and the styrofoam padding blocks and dented the cardboard deeply. I was afraid the rifle was damaged and had difficulty breaking the barrel open and had to clean styrofoam out of the barrel that had been forced down the bore. All came out very well but I would suggest that more padding be added to the outside shipping carton to better cushion the rifle when the trucking and shipping companies throw the packages around off the dock and slam them to the concrete falling off conveyors.

By RoyUSAJune 18, 2020

My gun came and was very dry all over and I had to service it. The spring was just loud and dry during cocking so I oiled it and all the hinge points on the rifle. After a few hundred shots I could hear the piston seal starting to honk like a goose so I put 2 or 3 drops down the chamber and I also loosened the cocking arm bolt just a bit because it was very stiff and I'm a large man. After some frustration and several different pellets including the JB Exact Jumbo and the Crossman Premier HP which shoots well in every other gun I own this one was all over the place at 35 yards off a sandbag. Then I put the RWS Wadcutter pellets in it and magic happened. Very tight groups at 35 yards. Now this gun is a pleasure to shoot and extremely accurate but remember it may be dry when you get it. My experience was somewhat exactly like Rick Eutslers review on Youtube with this gun but I'm so glad I bought it.

Simplicity of the rifle


By EdUSAMarch 29, 2020

To reengage safety, pull up slightly on safety lever and pull back and weapon will now be on safe. A little bit of a pain but it works.

Update on my earlier review. I stated that once the safety is taken off it can no be put back on safety. I have now found that by pulling up slightly on safety lever the safety can be reengaged. So overall I am pleased with this weapon!


By EdUSAFebruary 3, 2020

Here is my honest opinion. Right out of the box, the first thing I noticed is the weight, its got a heft to it. This is not a negative but
actually a positive as weight adds stability and that equals accuracy. The second thing I noticed was the finish of the barrel, its outstanding. You actually feel like you are picking up a high powered rifle. The stock although not figured like a nice piece of walnut has a nice golden glow to it and like wood warm to the touch. The next thing I noticed was the fiber optic sights, they really glow in the sunlight, green on the rear sights and
red on the front, a great contrast. They are so good that I will forgo the use of a scope for now. The trigger is adjustable for play and
weight. Mine has too much free travel but trigger pull is fine for now. Its fairly easy to cock
but only 1 shot at a time. Rapid fire is not going to happen like your old Crossman 760.
The accuracy is spot on and you will have no trouble picking off small game with this weapon.
There is some plastic on this weapon but its not a real big deal
to me. The main part of the gun is the barrel, stock and the sight and they are great.
For the price, compared to the rest of the market, is a bargain.

Lowest price for a quality weapon, outstanding accuracy, excellent fiber optic sights.

The negatives are the following: Its slow to load but once loaded its deadly accurate. The only real negative and for me its a bad one. Once loaded and you flip the safety off, believe it or not you cannot put it back on safe. How stupid is that, to me that is really senseless. The fiber optic sights although very nice, become terrible when the sun is not out or you are shooting in a covered shooting station.

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I purchased this rifle from Airgun Depot and received it a few days ago. It does not have the RWS logo anywhere on the rifle or in the booklet. Why?

asked THERESA from USA

RWS is the importer. gun is made by DIANA.

Walter from USA

How do you load this gun? Cant seem to find where it breaks away

asked C Robbins

where is the trigger adjustment screw located on a Diana 34 and what lbs. pull is the factory setting at ?

asked Mark R Spietaels

I am 11 years old. Will this gun fit kids. Thanks

asked John

How quiet is this rifle

asked John

I'm giving serious consideration to the purchase of the RWS 34 however I am wondering if I can mount a scope to it for shooting small game between 30-50 yards. Has anyone done this and if yes, what type of scope and magnification would be best? Thinking about Red Dot scope..

asked Ryan

what scope and mount should i install on my 34? ray

asked ray

hi Guys, I am Indonesian and I am looking for this Gun (Diana RWS 34) so How I can get it? or possible for get this things in Indonesia, Where?...thanks

asked Daniel

Is the barrel threaded for a silencer?

asked Casey from USA

What kind of bullets this rifle shoots ?

asked Alex

How long is this rifle.... longer than 40"?

asked cJ

For someone who doesnt know much about airguns would this be a good gift?

asked Trent

Can I mount a Hawke sport optics 2-7x32 AO sport HD rifle scope or a UTG 1 inch 3-9x40 AO true hunter IE scope with zero locking/reset WE on the RWS 34?

asked Joel

Read very little bad about the 34. There have been a couple comments on Amazon about barrel drooping. Is this a problem with this gun? Also, looking for a good night scope for this gun.

asked Larry

Are the open sights removable?

asked Mark Gamble

I hae RWS 34 .177 I need good scope of light weight accurate zeroing or any laser sighing will help

asked sargunam

What can of mount for scopes?

asked steve from USA

Are the front and rear sights removable on this gun?

asked Don

Does this have the T05 or T06 trigger?

asked Jon from USA

the one I received has the T06 trigger

Thorsten from USA

Is this the diana rws 34 which has the pic of a women holding a gun.

asked Mike G.

Yes, if you speaking about the trademark. A woman in a robe--presumably the goddess Diana--has thrown her bow down and is holding over her head a rifle. Excellent rifle, but you may have to oil it with the proper oil when you get it, and this may require disassembly (which voids it's warranty). I went thru the whole process and know how to do it properly now, so just ask. Even if you messed something up, which would be kinda hard to do, the gun is of such high quality that it's repairable to better than new condition.


Yes it is! I had the same question before I bought mine. It has the RWS logo, with the Diana logo under that. It is a really nice looking gun. I am attaching a picture of the logo for you.

Jeff from USA

Does this gun have the RWS logo on the barrel, or the Diana logo?

asked Jeff from USA

RWS WIth exception of a little hard to break barrel I love this gun. It is extremely accurate and more than adequate for the prairie dogs off by back porch.

Paul from USA

is this single-shot?

asked joe

Yes, this is a single shot only. When you "break" the barrel, that is, bend it down to cock the gun, it exposes the chamber at the back of the barrel where you place a single pellet, then you return the barrel to its normal position and the gun is fully cocked with the safety on. As far as I know, most or all break barrel pellet guns are single shot.

Paul from USA



Hi, The photos show two different stocks, one "plain" and one "sculpted". Which is correct? Thanks, Jim

asked Jim

Jim Model 34 has a plain stock. That is all that is plain. I bought this rifle to dispatch prairie dogs in a field behind my property and it does the job wonderfully. Right out of the box I drew a + in the middle of a paper plate with a black magic maker. The first three RWS pellets were in the bottom center of the middle of the cross and all three holes were touching, almost one hole. This group was a about 15-18 yards with the untouched open sights using the porch rail of my deck as a rest. I have killed many prairie dogs between 25-40 yards with open sights, can not wait to put a scope on it. Best of luck, Paul

Paul from USA

The photos show two different shaped stocks. Which is the correct one?

asked James

Is the hardwood stock monte carlo design? Right? Left? Thank you.

asked Charles from USA

How do you install a scope so that it doesn't get messed up while shooting?

asked john

Get the UTG droop compensated mount. And a UTG leapers 3-9x50mm AO scope. The rings that come with the scope will be adequate for this air rifle

Andrew from USA

Is there a rail on which to attach a scope?

asked Kevin

Is this rifle too loud for backyard plinking?

asked nick

Depends upon your definition of "loud." It has a definite "snap" but not as loud as the softest .22 firearm you've ever fired. You won't need ear plugs. If you have nearby neighbors you may want ask them about their noise tolerance-while assuring them of your safety conscious mind-set.


Which scope and which red dot would you recommend for this airgun?

asked Chris

leapers 4x32AO-or- center point 3-9x32 iluminated reticle. both scopes have mildots and are good and handy scopes out to 50+ yards- also light weight. Get the weaver mounts, and the leapers weaver adapter for this gun AGD has them and they will eliminate scope creep- very important the weaver adapter for the TO6 model is specific and indispenslble for the RWS 34 with TO6 trigger-- it will also eliminate droop.


Does this rifle have the T06 Trigger?

asked Roberto

I just received my 34 in .22 and it has the T06 trigger. This is one sweet shooting air gun. I love the fiber optic sights and may not mount a scope. I am shooting the wadcutter pellets.


Is the limited lifetime RWS warranty still valid if a RWS air rifle is labled as refurbished when sold?

asked Greg

Dear sir Is it possible for you shipment to India? Regards D.Martin

asked Martin from India

Hello, Since the shipping laws can vary from each area, the best way to see if we can ship to your address is to place the order. We have an international shipping monitor, in the checkout, that will notify you if we are unable to ship to your address.

Scott from USA

How do you adjust the trigger?

asked dan

On these refurb guns, are they equipped with the T06 triggers?

asked Mario from USA

Yes, mine has the T06. Sept 2015

Mitch from USA

Yes, mine came with a T06 trigger.


Does this have the T06 trigger?

asked Scott

Yes, I believe it does have the T06 trigger.

Conor from USA

Is the front sight housing metal or plastic?

asked Phillip from USA

the sight on any RWS rifle is all metal

Scott from USA

Hello, thinking about buying this gun? How has it preformed & what kind of condition was it in when you received it.Is it worth it? Or buy new?

asked Don

I have a older model 34 .177,does this model come with a scope mount and what type is it? I want to order a scope for a friends rifle.

asked David

This particular rifle kit dose not come with a scope or scope mount, but I would recommend taking a look at any of our RWS or Leapers scopes. For help on what scopes and mounts call our customer service line 866-477-4867.

Steve from USA

How loud is this gun?

asked Future Backyard Plinker

It is pretty quiet, but is still somewhat loud.

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