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Hatsan Mod 125 Sniper Vortex QE

Available in .22, Includes 3-9x32 Scope
Only $349.99
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  • Code: AGD-31928464 · $349.99 · .22 · 1000 fps
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The Hatsan 125 Sniper Vortex air rifle provides magnum power without the twang and vibration often found in guns with a coiled metal mainspring. Hatsan states that their Vortex gas piston delivers steadier and more consistent power and velocities than a metal mainspring. If you want a rifle that's not picky about how you treat it- then get this synthetic-stocked air rifle. It'll stand up to the rough world of real hunting- real work. The gas piston makes it that much more durable because you don't have to worry about breaking a metal mainspring if you leave your gun cocked too long.

Hatsan 125 Sniper Vortex Air Rifle Features
  • Vortex gas-piston
  • Integral muzzlebrake/suppressor
  • 2-stage adjustable Quattro trigger (adj. for trigger-pull weight and travel)
  • 11mm and Weaver optics rail
  • Fixed TruGlo fiber optic front sight (red- 0.060")
  • Fully adjustable TruGlo fiber optic rear sight (green- 0.035")
  • Anti-beartrap mechanism
  • Monte Carlo buttstock
  • Twin raised cheekpieces with vertically adjustable comb
  • Textured pistol grip and forearm
  • SAS (shock absorber system) that reduces vibration
  • Triopad rubber recoil pad with 3 stock spacers to adjust pull length
  • Black synthetic stock
  • 9.30 lbs. (gun only)
  • Includes 3-9x32 Optima scope

Here are the benefits of a Vortex gas-piston over a coiled metal mainspring
  • Smoother cocking
  • Smoother shooting
  • No spring torque
  • No spring fatigue- even if you leave it cocked for hours
  • Functions perfectly in cold weather
  • Lasts longer than a metal spring
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  • ManufacturerHatsan
  • Caliber .22
  • Velocity 1000 fps
  • Condition New
  • Ammo Type Pellets
  • Action Break barrel
  • Barrel Style Rifled
  • Fire Mode Single-shot
  • Gun Weight 9.00
  • Overall Length 48.80
  • Barrel Length 17.70
  • Loudness 3-Medium
  • Magazine Capacity 0
  • Mechanism Gas-piston
  • Rail Weaver & 11mm dovetails
  • Safety Automatic
  • Front Sights Fiber Optic
  • Rear Sights Fiber Optic
  • Shots per Fill 0
  • Trigger Adjustability Two-stage adjustable
  • Trigger Action 0
  • Use Small game hunting/plinking
  • Warranty 1-year limited warranty
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4.539 Reviews
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By GregUSAAugust 31, 2022

I'm 74 years old, shooting for 60+ yrs and not as steady @ shoulder shooting, hence bench or bipod (or prone) for me
I've got 3 Hatsans(one 95 springer), 4 Crosmans(one optimus springer), 1 benjamin trail np xl, all accurate with pellets they like

After a few shots with the sniper 125, I noticed a rattle @ the muzzle end, upon removing the QE moderator, I found it had started to break up (plastic pcs)
I found on the bay, a seller of 10 stage vented baffle for various Hatsans ( I bought 2) Iinstalled on my Hatsan 95 votex qe (dropped 4db) and the sniper 125 (dropped) 2db with heavier 10+gr pellets - it was a good day Thanx

First this .177 air gun is very accurate, as is often the case I installed a Hawke vantage 3-9x40ao It shoots 1" groups (benchrest) in my suburban 13yd basement range, however, anything under 8.5gr gets pretty loud 1100fps+ 950-970 with 10gr+ as mentioned, all very accurate.

nothing comes to mind, I researched b/4 I bought it

By Stephen USANovember 10, 2021

Built like a Barrett. Solid. Very consistent w varying weights. Bought the bt65 .30 because of the fit n finish. As a machinist,I like what I see...out of the box. RANGERS lead The Way. All the way

Guilty kit. Don't worry, I remember how

By JohnUSAJune 3, 2021

I have been shooting this rifle for some time now. Mine is in 22 caliber and will shot any pellet I want to put down range. Nearly 2.5k pellets fired from the 125 sniper, not one issue. The gun is pretty powerful with a average FPE of 27, it is more than enough for small game. The rifle is of great quality and design, handles well and is very accurate.


By davidUSAMay 24, 2021

Love this .22 (my first) always had .177's. This Hatsan Vortex packs so much hitting power - even at distance. It take a while to adjust your grip and standing position, but once you figure it out, it is a fantastic AG.

Solid well built. Packs a punch even at distance. Accurate.

Heavy. First 50-75 shots very challenging to cock. But its getting easier. Still need to put the butt against my hip to cock. Need decent amount of arm strength as well to break the barrel. Scope was way off right out of the box. Need to spend some time sighting it in. Would still buy this Hatsan in a second.

By JohnUSAApril 4, 2021

I bought the 22 version From Airgun Depot about a month a ago. I am totally amazed with its performance! I shot a wide variety of pellets most averaged around 27.5 foot pounds of energy. This gun is not Pellet sensitive in the least and shoots 11 grain as well as the 17 grain pellets all in a variety of style (Pointed, Flat, Round Etc). The scope it comes with is decent and will get your out shooting. Eventually you will want a better scope since the air rifles performance seriously out matches it. Very Accurate, very powerful and well worth its price.

Only real Con I would have is the instruction manual is very short and sweet with little in the way of detail. As an example it tells you to clean the gun, but no how or what they recommend you use. Just here is your Rifle and literally a 4 page small manual.

By JayUSAApril 23, 2020

My other air rifle is a RWS\Diana Model 34 in .177. That was a great gun 18 years ago when I bought it but pales in comparison to this monster. Other then the overall weight and initial cocking effort, I would easily recommend this rifle to anyone.

Great packaging and OK delivery (even in the midst of a pandemic) The rifle came with OK scope, and sling (no bipod for .22) but not sure I wanted the bipod based upon other reviews. Finish is exceptional. Best thing about this rifle..... HOLY ACCURATE.... with less than 250 pellets through it and stock scope, I'm getting 10 shot groups @ 30 yds that I can cover with a quarter and drinking glass groups at 50 yds. It's fairly quiet, certainly backyard friendly, as long as you don't use light grain pallets that can break the sound barrier. Mine LOVES the JSB Diabolo Exact Jumbo Heavy

The rifle is heavy and not something that you'd want to lug around all day. VERY hard to cock especially the first 100 or so shots. It has gotten a little easier (or maybe I've gotten used to it) and it now seems tolerable. It was a little hard to shoot freehand because of the weight, but with sandbags or a rest the weight seemed to help the shooter settle in on the target.

By GregUSAMarch 13, 2020

I served thirty years in the United States Army. Almost twenty in the Ranger Regiment. I never thought I would have a pellet rifle now I have three. I do have of firearms. But these are addicting lol

I have the Hatsan 125 sniper spring piston break barrel .25 caliber. I really like it the rifle. The scope and bipod are junk. I put a Hammers 3-9X 40AO with a one piece mount. I can hit targets at 75 to 100 yards consistently. Make sure you get a scope that's air gun rated. I have used the scope on regular rifles even a Marlin 444 and it still holds zero. If you do so you might have to re ajust the scope. The rifle is well worth the price I have the same rifle in .22 caliber and another Hatsan striker.22 caliber good to 50 yards consistently.

The scope and bipod that come with the rifle are junk

By Michael C.December 31, 2019

I bought a 125 22 Cal spring Sniper. Wow what power! With in 50 shots it broke. I sent it back and Hattsan customer service was awesome. So I paid $125.00 more and upgraded to the Vortex version. Wow what power and accuracy!! Again with in 200 shots it broke again and has zero power. I have 23 air rifles ,RWS,STOEGER,RUGER,UMAREX,BENJAMIN,GAMO,CROSSMAN,WINCHESTER ECT. So I think I can give an accurate comparison.This would be my favorite brand and gun if it did not break. The only gun that I have sent back and was replaced was the Benjamin magnum 22 Cal. That gun was uneven so cocking it wore out the wood. They sent me a new one and has the same issue.

Power Quiet Accurate

Doesn't last.

By SteveUSADecember 19, 2019

Amazing open sights. very accurite. good deal.


no instructions or manuals with mine.

By KurtUSAOctober 12, 2019

I own several Hatsan rifles and this is a very fine rifle. This is very accurate. Stupid accurate to my 20 yard target. Hits very hard. I own this rifle in .22 as well. Both are very fine.

This thing is accurate. It?s plenty powerful. It is kinda quiet. I would by it again and again and again.

No sireee.

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Ladies and gentlemen my question is could the hatsan 125 sniper gas vortex able to shoot slugs in 0.177 like the jsb knockout 10.03gr 4.51mm or the 13.43gr 4.52mm so may be a silly question but if this air rifle in 0.177 shooting from 1200 fps to 1400 fps with some of the lead pellets,so even if the jsb knockout slugs 10.03gr 4.51mm was only going 800 fps to 900 fps does anyone know what the grouping would be like? any help with this matter would be much appreciated ladies and gentlemen

asked George from United Kingdom

Does the gun come with a sling?

asked William from USA

Looking to buy a better scope that will last and not break with this rifle. Any recommendations? Somewhere in the $50-130 range.

asked Giovanni from USA

Also Hawk optics they cost more but worth it .Try a model that sports a etched glass reticle instead of wire .

Stanley from USA

Look at the leaoers/UTG line of scopes. Fully warrantied and a good value.

Mark from USA

Has anybody had any problems with the Barrel tip Coming off Maybe I just had a bad gun

asked Jesse

I have to Hatsan Striker 1000 I can't keep the scope on them they beat them to hell Without a scope they are really accurate I can use the fiber-optic scope I mean I mean fiber optic sights that come with the gun and he'll at a hundred yards I can hit a softball grouping with no site but I'm wondering this gun I've heard has a big hit hard Hammer they don't call the striker 1000 the striker for nothing it hits hard I have arranged in my backyard and you can hear it hit the two layers of three quarter inch plywood I have three blocks down but would I be able to control this gun if I used to have your pellet I really am thinking about getting one to me it sounds like the best gun for me I hunt and target shoot would you recommend this gun with a heavier pellet for accuracy

asked Dennis Little

What distance are you able to shoot head shots at accurately

asked Chip

How quiet is this compared to the gamo wisper?

asked Brandon

Roughly the same give or take .

Stanley from USA

How does it get power? Does it use CO2 or manually air pumping?

asked john

It is a break barrel one shot at a time , no Co2 or no other power source .

Stanley from USA

Specs say 33 lb. cocking effort. Is this correct? Was told by another retailer it was 51lbs.

asked Randy from USA

Correct it is a magnum springer in every scents of the word .

Stanley from USA

51Lbs is correct


? i bought air rifle recently and i took out for the first time last week and i was not happy about it. i have two other rifle Walter Talon magnum and octane all in .22. they can bust through Galvanized sheet at 10 to 40 yards and with the Hatsan sniper 125 .22 i can't not even at 5 yards. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't even take down small game at 10 yards. What should i do?


Send it's defective.


You have something very wrong with your rifle. Send it back to the dealer. These rifles have extreme power.

Dana from USA

How loud is it?

asked Mel from USA

Is it a spiral bore

edward clement

My 125 .177 Sniper id s bit picky on the pellet choice and the sound it emits when fired--the quietest is from Daisy .177 wad cutters and the loudest is with Benjamin .177 hallow points it sounds just like a .22 LR going off-- my 125 .22cal Vortex Sniper is just plain quiet no matter what pellets I put threw her-- but it really likes Benjamin Premium both domed and hallow points ---no matter which .177 or.22 you will need a good set of rings and a good scope to bring out the best the rifle has to offer--I hope this helped-if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask---RUCK IT UP--SUCK IT UP AND RANGER UP--RANGERS LEAD THE WAY---ICEMAN

LEE from USA

Is the vortex easier to cock than the spring version? And between the two which has the least amount of faulty issues? Basically Which is more reliable? I'm trying to decide if I need to pay more for the Vortex version or are the differences so minuscule that it really doesn't matter.

asked Conrad from USA

I own the Hatsan 125 Sniper Vortex. The cocking force on the Vortex piston version is 33 lbs. The Springer version approaches 50lbs cocking force. The Vortex has a smooth cocking stroke with no grinding sounds as some Springers have. The huge sound modulator makes a great handle for cocking this gun. With that said, this is a very powerful air rifle. I have the. 22 caliber version and it shoots 18 grain pellets over 950 ft per sec. Hatson uses lead pellets for their specifications not the PBA alloy pellets that a lot of manufacturers use to inflate their specs. It is a large, heavy, beautiful, hard hitting rifle. The Vortex piston can be left cocked for long periods of time without concern for wear or damage. This is an advantage over the Springer version which can not be left cocked. If cocked, you need to fire off the round soon. German Steel Two stage match grade trigger great stock, theres a lot to like. The Optima 3x32 scope is not up to par with the rifle. I would suggest Hatsan trash the useless bipod and provide a better 3x9x40 Scope. I suggest a Leapers scope on this rifle. It's a beast. Long & heavy at about 10 pounds with the scope installed. But, it is dead accurate out to 60 yards, maybe more with a better shooter than me. It is powerful. Best use is for small game and pest hunting. If target shooting, your arm is going to get pretty tired after 30-40 shots. Bottom line......I love it!

Eugene from USA

I cannot compare between the two versions of Hatsan 125 -spring powered vs. gas piston- beacuse I only own the second type. But compared to other break barrel, spring piston rifles I use, I would say that 1) Hatsan 125 is among the heavier air rifles to cock, because it is a powerful one; 2) Gas piston rifles, even when heavy, are smoother to cock. And they feel less "twangy" upon firing them. I did no testing myself, but gas piston plants are reputed for lasting longer. Anyway, as said above, this is a very powerful rifle, at such a point that even powered by a gas piston, coking effort and fire vibration are high and shooting it, for my taste is not pleasent. This is a great rifle for hunting or target shooting with fair accuracy at disances as long as 55 yards Accuracy greatly depends on good shot execution: the gun issues a lot of vibration. If I had to choose I would go for the Gas Piston.

Cristian from USA

The reviews have been nothing but positive for this gun. I'm interested in purchasing but could someone tell me, since it is synthetic, if the stock is solid or hollow? Thanks

asked Jack

I found no way to tell the internal configuration of the stock from exterior inspection. As it houses the adjustable cheekpiece rods and the locking screws, it is hollow to tan extent at least. But if strength is the concern I would say it looks like a very sturdy synthetic stock. I have not smashed the rifle into anything, but from the normal shooting, after many a shot,, the rifle stands perfectly solid, even when its great piston power turns loose scope screws every now and then,

Cristian from USA

Does this gun utilize Vortex or Nitro gas piston? The title has vortex and the description has nitro in it.

asked RYUU

I would like to add some clarification to the previous answer to this question. The specification page states Nitro Piston, but that is incorrect. The Vortex Gas Piston is NOT the same as the Nitro Piston. The Vortex utilizes High Pressure Air where the Nitro Piston uses a nitrogen charge. Also, the Vortex piston is rebuildable and the end user can adjust the fill pressure to suit his or her needs. This is a picture of the Vortex Gas Piston from's website.


The Vortex is a nitro gas piston. It's Hatsans own version. For copyright reasons, they have to name them differently. There are other slight changes made to make them original. Umarex has the Reaxis, Gamo the IGT, etc.


How is it compared to the Spring version?

asked Steve

The hood of my Toyota was held up by two gas struts, both of which failed (lost pressure). I replaced them with two gas struts made by two different manufacturers. Both of those failed (lost pressure). Failure rate for gas struts: 100% Survival rate for gas struts: 0% Now I use a wooden stick to hold up the hood. I've found that a wooden stick is much, much, much more trustworthy than a leaky gas strut. Some allege that in cold weather a spring powered rifle looses power but a gas-ram rifle doesn't. I don't believe that it is easier to compress a cold spring than it is to compress a warm spring. On the other hand, isn't it true that the pressure of a gas is reduced when the gas is cooled? If some springers have proven to be less powerful in cold, it may be because the owner was so foolish as to smear thick grease on the spring in order to "tune" the gun. (A gun is not a musical instrument; the owner shouldn't be concerned about how mellifluous and pleasing to the ear is the sound made by the gun.) That useless grease gets even more thick and stiff when it is cooled (reducing the power of the gun). Let's say you have two break-barrel pellet rifles with a cocking effort of 40 pounds; one has a steel spring, and the other has a leaky gas ram. Let's say that you store them uncocked and unused in a closet for 5 years and then pull them out to measure the cocking effort. During those years, the leaky gas ram was probably continually losing molecules of gas. However, the steel spring was not continually losing molecules of metal. Which of the two guns will have retained more of its strength? Air and nitrogen are cheaper than high quality steel, so certain gun makers want to maximize their profits at your expense by substituting leaky gas rams for steel springs. As I got older, I reached a point where I decided that my spring-powered Hatsan 125 was too powerful and too difficult to cock, so I deliberately left it cocked during the night while I slept in order to weaken the spring. When I tested it in the morning, the spring seemed to be just as strong as it had been, and it was just as difficult to cock the gun. It seems to me that there is no evidence that a leaky gas ram will last longer than a steel spring.

Edgar from USA

I think the spring piston is more powerful. I have three springers the 125 sniper in.25 caliber and .22 caliber also a striker.22 caliber. I changed the scopes on the 125s I can hit 75 to 100 yards consistently The striker I use open sights they are all really accurate. I never thought I would own one now I'm hooked. Thinking about a good pcp. I have enough rifles and shotguns. I enjoy the pellet rifles because I can shoot in my backyard to 40 yards.

Greg from USA

Having both a vortex 125 sniper (.25) and a 125th (.22) spring version i get the feeling that the spring version is slightly more powerfull due to the extra cocking effort required.i seen a good review on youtube comparing the sniper vortex to the the sniper (spring),both in.22 cal and he calculated that the spring version delivered 2 or 3 more foot pound of energy.the vortex is more pleasureable to shoot for me due to less next hatsan will be a spring powered sniper 125 or a 135 spring.i hear that the vortex piston can be made to work at a higher pressure.i tend to choose the rifle with more power.


There's a review that discusses it. It has the same power, but it'll be smoother cocking and less vibration/noise. The piston typically lasts MUCH longer than the spring and isn't affected by cold temps.

Erik from USA

When will this item be back in stock i would like to buy it this week.

asked anthony

Anthony, This particular rifle should be back in stock in another week or so. Sincerely, The Airgun Depot Customer Care Team

Scott from USA
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